Sarah Palin and The Tea Party Made Me Do It

I don't know how many of you are going to remember back in the seventies, there was a comedian named Flip Wilson, and he penned the famous line, "the devil made me do it". That was a line that you would here over and over throughout the whole country. I tried using that one on my parents one time, when they caught me sneaking beer out of the house, for me and my friend, way back when we were in high school. It didn't work then and It won't work today either.

Ever since the dawn of time, it is part of our human nature to point the finger at everyone and everything when something goes wrong or something doesn't go our way. We all have stories, and it's something that you don't have to train or drill into our kids, it just comes natural to them.

January 8, 2011 a crazy individual goes on a shooting rampage at a public meeting, and shoots Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords in the head and takes the life of six others, including nine year old, Christina Green, and injuring many others. A tragedy beyond anything we could ever imagine, and the first question we all want to know is... why?

Most of the time these horrible incidents always end in the perpetrator taking their own life, and that question never gets answered, but in this case, Jared Lee Loughner, was apprehended and we may find some sort of answer, but does it really matter? It won't change the fact that people are dead, and there are others that will have to spend years trying to get their lives back together again.

Out of this horrific incident that took place in Tucson Arizona, there are people who are blaming the Tea Party movement and Sarah Palin for this. I could not believe my ears when I heard this.

We see human nature at it's ugliest, when this gunman goes off and does this horrendous crime. Full of hate and violence he picks up a gun and decides to take his anger out on innocent people, who have nothing to do with what crazy things are running through his mind, but I think just as tragic is the fact, that we see another ugly side of human nature, when people start pointing their self-righteous fingers at Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement and blaming them for the tragedy at Tucson Arizona. The same anger and hate that motivated Loughner to pull the trigger and kill, is the same anger and hate that makes these people point their fingers in blame at Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.

Maybe that might be a part of his defense. His lawyer can tell the judge, "My client is innocent your Honor. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party did this horrible crime." Somehow I don't think that will fly in court.

Not to mention, these idiots are now going to perhaps, instill and fuel some other loony tune's fire out there, into trying the same thing on others as Loughner did. It's called copycat crimes.

Now we are starting to hear, all the talk again, about stronger gun controls. That always happens when we have a shooting somewhere. I heard a congresswomen say the other day that guns kill. GUNS DON'T KILL! People do!

That pistol that Loughner used didn't start pulling its own trigger all by itself. It didn't randomly point at individuals that it wanted to shoot; Loughner had to do all that.

I have a better solution. Make it mandatory for all law abiding citizens, to go through the screening and the training to operate and carry a weapon, and give them the ability to carry it with them wherever they go. I bet you crime would drop in this country by 80%. It's been proven.

If Loughner new that everyone in that crowd had a weapon, and could use it, he might have thought twice about doing what he did? If he still decided to go through with it, I bet someone would have taken him down before he had the change to kill little Christina Green. Many of those people might be alive today, just a thought.

Instead of running like a hothead, why not just stop a moment and take a deep breath and say a prayer for all these people. They are certainly going to need it in the coming days, weeks, months, and years. Sure we all want to know, why? But blaming others and pointing our fingers at everyone else will never get us the answer, and you know what...we may never find it.

Pointing and blaming never ever solves anything. Take some time to get over the emotional trauma, and then come back together and collectively see if a solution can be worked out to see that this might not ever happen again.

May God bless Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her family, and the family of Christina Green, and all those who have suffered such a tremendous loss? You will definitely be on my prayer list.