The Bitch and Gas!

Well Darlings,

The bets are on. Just how many feet was David Cameron actually born with, and is it possible that he could insert them all into his mouth at the same time? He's certainly a trier, isn't he? Very trying, at times. As I write this, he is trying to pour oil on troubled waters with Pakistan, and goodness knows: we've had plenty of that stuff swilling around lately! Suggesting Iran had a nuclear weapon went down like a bomb too, but not beating about the bush, I suppose we should be thankful that he, at least, does appear know the location of that country. However, by not knowing the date when the US entered the Second World War, and then going on to denigrate Britain by calling it a junior partner in the special relationship between our two countries, like some puppy dog on a lead, I am left to wonder if he might be adopting the position to receive a presidential bone. He should be so lucky!

I guess it comes as no surprise that a car powered by methane gas extracted from human sewerage has been made by British engineers. There's no shortage of that stuff in this country, is there? It seems we're always in it, with only the depth varying.

Flushed with success, Mohammed Saddiq, of GENeco (the sustainable energy firm owned by Wessex Water) which has developed the prototype, is reported by the Daily Mail as saying, "We thought it would be appropriate that the poo-powered car should be the classic VW Beetle Bug because bugs naturally breakdown waste at sewage works to start the treatment process which goes on to produce the energy."

Well, it could have been worse. I mean, thank God they didn't pick on an old Ford Zephyr. I had one once, so I know that would really have put the wind up us!

We're told the prototype car starts up using conventional fuel and then, when temperatures rise, the methane comes into play. Hmm... With the state of the roads today, that all sounds pretty normal to me! Should the car run out methane, they say it reverts back to petrol. No sh