The Greater Good

As man developed he needed to have forms of decision-making or government. The family unit or clan and ‘extended family’ may still be the best form of government as Elders wisely chose to manage their people. The ‘paternalistic benevolent’ proponents today are very numerous and often seek to convince the masses that they are needed. Their Empire grows beyond even what they might have imagined possible in the days that the Physiocrats first spoke about ‘the best government is that which governs least’; while in fact building greater inroads through technocrats in all forms or structures of government like their Alumbrados initiatives of previous centuries. I will have to refer the reader to other books I have written if they doubt I can show the Jesuits were an outreach of the same Hibernian efforts to grow the Empire through the likes of St. Bernard, the Luciferian Loyola and other Inner Sanctum deviates. Today the professional clubs or associations and lobbyists or other cronies are having a field day as people in certain sectors get ever more dribble or ‘Trickle Down’ from the table-washings of the elite Synarchists.

They have characterized Anarchy as something quite the opposite of what it is, They told us that Communism was a people based structure in Russia but that was never communism to begin with. It is Orwellian in nature as we see semantical designs develop War is Peace and Love is Hate almost on a daily basis. I love to use the Bush phrase War on Terror or the Johnsonian War on Poverty as examples of the Spin Doctor’s arts and artifices. War on Terra is how he sounds to be pronouncing it; and that often makes me wonder if the Masons or Skull & Bones types who create religions like Mormonism are calling people Morons as they cause people to worship Moron-i. ‘I’ would have to be a ‘Moron’ to believe they did not have a chuckle or three at that.

Earth will need some Ascended Masters to take over the bodies of a few key world leaders soon if life hereon is to get through the ethical issues presented by geometrically exploding technology, I fear.

What is Karma?

Some philosophies will indeed equate Karma with The Law of Retribution or the vernacular phrase 'what goes around comes around' and there is truth in that. It is not karma but it was expunged from Catholic dogma with the ascendancy of Rome. Good Acts (Pelagius vs. Augustine) became the domain of those you were encouraged to entrust your soul (estate and alms) to. Destiny and Salvation along with the later more refined Sins and Demons became the way of the program.

Scientifically we know there are dimensions of energy in all matter and all around us - even the once thought to-be-vacuum is no vacuum at all. There is a limbo state of energy associated with the ego and personality that will possess the obsessed and make past life things seem to prove Karma as some 'Judgement Day' kind of potential for concern. But that limbo and astral state is just an energy field associated with the thoughts of humans. Some of those humans have become adept at manipulating what I call Constructs in this realm. Thus Kabalistic or other 'travelers' will find the tricks and traps arranged in these Constructs and come to a decision that they saw God or some other thing that was set there for them to see. This too is not Karma.

In the various systems of thought throughout the world man has made a lot of high-sounding attempts to differentiate the ONE-ness into dualistic or philosophical systems that can wend their way through the Gordian Knot that these intellectual efforts have created. But just because reality does have law and structure does not mean that what we observe as the ways it has been formed in our physiological brain and its hemispheres or the Mind, Body and Soul (Triune Nature of Man) which became the Holy Trinity, is in fact God or any thing other than science and the way energy creates structure. We do not benefit by thinking these structures are god (s).

Here is a saying that has many perspectives from which to understand Karma. It is a Mayan saying. 'Do not put yourself in front of your Self.'

There are archetypes in the mind and in the collective or ‘oversoul’. Personality does not get fully understood by the individual in most cases nor does it fully incorporate the layers of the greater ‘Self’.

I do not believe in evil; though there are people who perform what can be called evil acts including the likes of Crowley who defined pretty well why there is no such thing. I see it as a continuum of energy and there are elemental convergences that can take shape through proper or improper manipulation of a conscious or intelligent variety.

OOBEs and astral travel will run into many things made by man and put there to trick or trap people learning the spiritual path. I am not particularly into these things but I was very impressed when an adept came and got me one evening and took me to Crowley's favorite abode that looked just like she said it was in the Swiss Alps. In fact it was in another dimension or the interstitiary energy associated with this one. That associated state of energy is where many souls go before coming back and this is what I called lesser souls in terms of development. They will even be able to remember past lives when regressed but they are part of something larger and it really is only a part of their multi-dimensional self which may include more than tens of millions of souls.

At higher levels of refinement the 'collective' is even larger and has more energy. The work of Moody and Kubler-Ross is great research but the Tibetan Book of the Dead with a forward by Carl Jung and an interpretation by Lama Anagarika Govinda (a Cambridge Mathematician) which was compiled by or translated by Evans-Wentz goes to the point more succinctly. As Jung says it - we have visions that mirror our expectations or ethnic programming as the stages (15 according to Moody and others) occur through sound to light. These Bardol States called Sidpa Bardol and like the name of the book Bardol Thödol are not fully understood by anyone here as I see it.

The adepts like the one who took me to meet Crowley, or Vivekananda and some few others, can dematerialize and take all the body's energy with them to higher planes that according to Vivekananda (I think he was one of these teachers of Yogananda whose writing is most insightful.) may include other causal states in other parts of universe. But most of us will spend time in lesser states around this event horizon. An event horizon relates to time and it varies in universe according to modern astrophysicists. In fact the Harmonic of Light and the Lost Chord or true science, may have been far better known to the pre-Egyptian or pre-cataclysmic peoples like the Mungo Man and De Danaan.

Modern String Theory tells us all matter (Dark and otherwise) is comprised of one dimensional harmonic force and that makes the Biblical Logos seem most interesting.

About the Author
Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist in Enchanted Spirit Press E-zine