FDA intends to change the warnings for drugs used to treat ADHD

FDA intends to change the warnings for drugs used to treat ADHD

Expressing concern about "psychiatric risks", the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) intends to change the warnings for drugs used
to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

The drugs they refer to are amphetamine-like, Schedule II products:
Concerta, Ritalin, Adderall (an amphetamine banned in Canada but not
the US) and Strattera. The psychiatric side effects mentioned in the
FDAs release, "FDA: Concerned With Psychiatric Risks With ADHD
Drugs," are "visual hallucinations, suicidal ideation, psychotic
behavior, as well as aggression or violent behavior." But these are
not psychiatric side effects at all-they are signs of intoxication,
poisoning and brain abnormality because they appear following the
administration of a drug, in subjects who were medically normal prior
to taking the drug.

How can I say they were medically normal prior to taking the drug? They
had ADHD, didnt they? Psychiatry tells everyone that ADHD is a
"disease" and a "chemical imbalance" of the brain, dont

This brings us to the Tom Cruise-Matt Lauer debate on the Today Show,
Friday, June 24, 2005, in which Mr. Cruise charged, most importantly,
that, "psychiatry is a pseudoscience."

In a follow-up Today Show on Monday, June 27, 2005, Harvard
psychiatrist, Dr. Joseph Glenmullen-one of their own-made clear
that psychiatric disorders are not something abnormal within the brain.
While pharmaceutical ads and psychiatrist/physician disclosures to
patients for purposes of informed consent, routinely portray
psychiatric disorders as chemical imbalances/diseases, they are
not-not a single one! Not schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder,
oppositional-defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), nor any
kind of depression.

Knowing these were the indisputable facts of the matter, psychiatrist
Steven Sharfstein of the American Psychiatric Association had no
rebuttal. Their "disease" lie was out of the bag. He lamely stated
that insurance doesnt pay for anything but drugs as though this is
justification for drugging 20% of the nations entirely normal

Mr. Cruise has done incalculable good for the American people, who are
drugged to the gills in the name of "treatment" for invented,
fictitious "chemical imbalances." He has shed the light of day on a

This brings us back to the FDA and their professed efforts to learn the
true "risk vs. benefit balance" for the drugs listed above when
used for the fictitious "chemical imbalance" ADHD. This is no light
matter considering that 6-7 million U.S. children have been
diagnosed/branded with this disorder. Virtually all of them are taking
one or more of these drugs which concern the FDA and which will be the
subject of a pediatric advisory committee meeting this Wednesday and

Now we know the child diagnosed with ADHD is a normal child, and that
the only potential for physical harm to them comes from the
drugs/chemicals/compounds/poisons, the FDA states are safe, effective
and necessary. When did the FDA cease to be a protector of the people?
When did they become a part of the industry they were to help regulate?

Through the years of the invented ADD and ADHD epidemics, the FDA has
joined psychiatry in speaking of these and all psychiatric
"disorders" as if they were actual physical abnormalities/diseases,
and drugging children with these addictive, dangerous, deadly drugs, as
if they were. But thanks now to Mr. Cruise and to Dr. Glenmullen, we
have had our eyes and minds opened to the reality that psychiatry is a
pseudoscience, a fraud and a "pusher" of drugs and that there is no
such thing as a "chemical imbalance."

By Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD - 619-440-8236
Fellow, American Academy of Neurology