Help For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Help For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

 by: Dr. Rita Louise

In the past, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was referred to as the “yuppie flue” because when it was first identified, most of its victims were well educated professionals in their 20’s – 40’s. Today, doctors still argue as to whether the disorder even exists, but those who suffer from it know it does.

Some health experts believe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, bronchitis, mononucleosis or hepatitis that goes “underground” and zaps the body of all its resources. Others say that it starts after a period of intense stress, while others believe chronic fatigue is a disease of lifestyle – were we have mismanaged our personal energy resources. And while there are a number of theories as to the origin of this disorder, to date, there is no clear cut definitive cause.

The classic symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a profound fatigue that doesn't improve with bed rest and may worsen with physical or mental activity. Other symptoms can include: sore throat, swollen glands, low grade fever, headaches, depression, muscle aches, mild weight loss, memory problems, sleep disturbances, confusion, difficulty thinking and inability to concentrate. For some the symptoms they experience are vague and can come and go. For other, their symptoms are so severe that they can’t get out of bed much less function in the world.

Currently, it is difficult to diagnose Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This is because many of the symptoms can also be a sign of a more serious disorder. Thus, for a finding of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to be identified, protocol dictates that other health disorder must be ruled out before a diagnosis is given.

Recommendations For Wellness

Get plenty of rest. Try not to allow yourself to become chronically stressed.

Schedule some time for yourself. Go shopping, take a hot bath, get a massage, listen to some relaxing music, meditate, do yoga or tai chi.

Begin a moderate exercise program. Many people report feeling better once they start exercising. Be careful to not overexert yourself. This can worsen symptoms.

Reduce or eliminate foods that stimulate the body such as coffee and ones that are made of white flower and white sugar.

Incorporate herbs such as licorice root (420-6), suma (1088-5), astragalus (40-1), Siberian ginseng (660-9) or Pantothenic acid (1640-2) to help strengthen the adrenal glands and counteract stress.

Herbs such as valerian root (721-1), passion flower (500-3), hops or chamomile (190-7) can help to relax the nervous system, reduce anxiety and calm the body.

Begin taking calcium and magnesium (1671-9). Calcium and magnesium are required to promote healthy energy metabolism in muscle cells.

Malic acid (4061-6) plays a central role in energy production and can help reduce reduction of muscle pain and tiredness.

Some research suggests that an alkaline diet can offer considerable relief from symptoms of Chronic Fatigue. Foods such as vegetables, fruit (except citrus), whole grains, beans, lean poultry and fish will promote an alkaline pH in the body. Products such as coral calcium (1873-7) or Nature’s Sunshine’s pH GreenZone (1091-5) will also support the body’ pH levels. To test your pH levels purchase some test strips (2918-8) that can test pH level of your urine or saliva.

A homeopathic formula for fatigue and exhaustion (8840-0) can assist in alleviating the symptoms.