Juicing Why NOT

Juicing: Why Not?

In today’s world, pollution and chemicals come at us from all
angles; our water contains toxic levels of metals and chlorine;
our produce is tainted with pesticides; and our meat and meat
products are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. It is
small wonder that so many of us fall prey to chronic ailments
and disease. So much so, that conditions like allergies, PMS,
and migraines have become as common as a cold or the flu.

In order to live a healthy and vibrant life in today’s modern,
fast-paced world, it has become absolutely critical to eat
consciously; including as much whole, unrefined, unprocessed
grains, meats, and produce as possible; supplement the diet with
vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids; get plenty of
rest and relaxation; reduce health-eroding emotions like anger,
resentment, and fear; eat organic whenever possible; and include
plenty of antioxidants in the form of dark, leafy greens and
fruits and vegetables.

All of these components are necessary in the building of Optimum
health and success, as well as combating and preventing illness
and disease.

Most North Americans do not get even close to their recommended
daily intake of fruits and vegetables, and juicing is an easy
way to accomplish just that. Extracting fresh juice from raw
fruits and vegetables and drinking it right away, allows many
of the vital nutrients and enzymes to remain intact. And, since
enzymes act as catalysts in almost every bodily function, juicing
plays a significant role in the fight against free radicals. It
allows nutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, and trace amounts of
essential fatty acids to enter the body in a more bioactive form
than supplements. In other words, the body is better able to
absorb all of nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables when
they are juiced. The result of all of this maximum and efficient
nutrient absorption is increased energy and vitality.

In fact, Vitamin A, if taken in large doses in supplement form,
could lead to toxicity; whereas, beta-carotene, which is the
pre-cursor that the body then converts into Vitamin A in the
body, is water soluble, and carries almost no risk of toxicity.
Fresh vegetables, especially carrots, contain large amounts of
the more easily assimilated, and non-toxic form of Vitamin A,
beta-carotene, which is released with the rupture of membranes
when the vegetable is juiced.

Juicing is also a better way to get your vitamins and minerals
because all of the phytonutrients, soluble fiber, and many other
complex compounds that exist in the natural fruit also exist in
its juice; whereas, each nutrient is individually extracted when
it is in supplement form. Since all nutrients work symbiotically
with one another, with each enhancing or balancing the other,
drinking freshly extracted vegetable juice allows you to get the
nutrients in combinations that exist in the food when it is in
its natural state.

Additionally, juicing provides a lot of soluble fiber; therefore,
the nutrients that are contained in the insoluble fiber of a
fruit or vegetable are released so that the body can make use of
them. When fruits or vegetables are eaten whole, these nutrients
would not be available to the body as they would be contained
within the indigestible fiber. Since fiber is such an important
factor in the elimination of waste and toxins from the body, and
keeping the colon and bowel cleansed, a high fiber diet is highly
recommended for optimum health and wellness. Soluble fiber, as
well as aiding in the body’s elimination and detoxification
processes, is also the fiber that has been found to lower levels
of cholesterol.

Most of the bottled juices that are available in supermarkets,
and even health food stores, have been pasteurized in an effort
to eliminate harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, the process of
pasteurizing includes subjecting fresh juices to extremely high
temperatures. There are valuable and fragile enzymes,
phytonutrients, and other nutritional compounds that are
destroyed with the addition of heat. Cooking, refining and
processing food strips it of its maximum nutritional value.

Freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juice also provides
another, major key nutrient: water. Everyday factors like
caffeine, over-the-counter medications, salt, cigarette smoking,
and alcohol all act to dehydrate the body. These factors,
combined with the fact that most Americans do not consume
nearly enough water just to reach the basic daily intake, never
mind compensate for what’s lost, can contribute to ill health.
Since fresh juices contain ample amounts of this vital substance,
this is yet another reason that juicing could be such an
important addition to an overall Optimum health and wellness

The benefits of juicing are many, while the downsides are few to
nil. In a culture where the number of people who get their
daily requirements of fruits and vegetables, is dismally low,
juicing should be an absolute necessity and priority. I have
educated many of my clients in the particulars of juicing, and
every single one of them has returned to my office full of
vitality, increased energy, and a great enthusiasm for fresh
juice. They often go on to become staunch advocates of juicing
themselves. When faced with skeptics, my question is usually,
Why not juice?

About the Author

Copyright Neesha D. Meminger, 2005. All rights reserved.

About the Author:
Neesha Dosanjh Meminger is an Optimum Health, Wealth, & Success
Coach who works with people to actualize their full potential
using the Five Modalities of Optimum Success™ program that she
developed over years of consulting and coaching. Contact her at
Neesha@seeitbeit.com for a free collaborative interview.