Nutrition Research on Alzheimer's Disease and Brain Health

ition Research on Alzheimer's Disease and Brain Health

 by: News Canada

(NC)-Recent research has shown a benefit of certain nutrients in reducing the risk of degenerative diseases of the brain. Antioxidants, such as vitamins E, C, B12 and folic acid have been shown to play an important role in healthy brain functioning. Antioxidants, often found in fruits and vegetables, have also been associated with improved mental function, including memory. Vitamin B12 and folic acid may also have beneficial effects on overall cognitive abilities.

Alzheimer's Disease is a degenerative brain disease that can cause a person to forget recent events or familiar tasks. Recent research has shown that a diet rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, may protect against Alzheimer's disease and slow the progression of the disease in people already diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It is believed that people with low levels of folate and vitamin B12 in their blood may be at a higher risk of Alzheimer's Disease.

Those who find it hard to incorporate a range of healthy foods into their diet should consider taking a daily multivitamin. A good multivitamin/mineral supplement, such as Centrum®, which includes vitamins C, B6, E, D, folic acid and minerals such as iron, zinc and selenium, could improve mental functioning and help delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

For more information on supplementation, visit

- News Canada