Dealing with Sewage Damage in Crawlspace

Sewage damage in crawlspace is not easy to deal with. The plumbing and wiring systems are often placed in this area which is underneath the first floor of the home. The space limitation is a challenge and most of the time it accumulates water from many sources including the sewage system. When flooding has recently occurred in your place, most of the time, the crawlspace is one of the first places to get drenched. Even poor maintenance can lead the water to this space.

When sewage leak occurs whether it's due to poor home maintenance or natural causes, it must be immediately taken care of professionally. The sewage contains organic elements that pose health risks and careful handling of the situation is imperative.

Sewage damage in crawlspace can easily set in since it's not a place that a homeowner usually checks. One of the signs of this problem is when you notice that people in the home gets sick usually of respiratory nature, difficulty in breathing or skin allergy and your HVAC system is in the crawlspace, the contamination must have reached it already. When you have determined that it's the source of the problem, evacuate the children, sick people, those with weak immune system and pets to a safe place at once.

It is best to let the professionals take care of the problem since crawlspaces are not easy to clean and decontaminate. The experts on the other hand can find the source of the problem and apply proper solutions. They also have the right equipment for water extraction, remediation and restoration. While waiting for help, the homeowner may call their insurance provider to inform them of the problem and inquire if it's part of the coverage.

Sewage damage in crawlspace may include soil saturation or damp foundation. The assessment of the damage is important since solutions must target it right on. A sewer gas evacuator or negative air machine may be used to remove the odor from the crawlspace soil. These machines can also help in drying the foundation to prevent mold buildup which can cause further problems. In some cases, the soil may need to be replaced to make sure that contamination is contained. After taking care of the soil and water damage caused by the sewage leak or spill, complete decontamination is performed as well.

Preventive measures are also recommended to minimize problems in the future. Installing an automatic sump pump and dehumidifier are effective ways. You must also have your foundation inspected for structural damage.