Have you inspected your Garage Door lately

Your garage door is one of the most important parts of your home. It not only ensures the safety of your home but also enhances its aesthetics. However, many homeowners tend to ignore their garage doors until they break down. This can not only lead to expensive repairs but also compromise the safety of your home. Therefore, regular inspections of your garage door are important to ensure it's in good working condition. If you haven't inspected your garage door lately, here's why you should.

Safety First

The garage door can weigh hundreds of pounds and can be dangerous if not properly maintained. A faulty garage door can result in serious injuries or even death. Therefore, it's important to check the door's safety sensors. The door's sensors detect if there is anything blocking the door's path. A faulty sensor can cause the door to close on someone or something. This could result in deadly consequences. A visual inspection of the sensors can help you determine if they are working properly.

Check for Wear and Tear

Every garage door has different components that require maintenance from time to time. The various parts of the door can wear out over time, leading to malfunction. Conducting regular inspections of your garage door can help you identify worn-out components such as springs or rollers. Worn-out parts can create safety hazards and impede the door's smooth operation. Regular visual inspections of your garage door can help you detect any areas that need to be serviced.


The garage door consists of moving parts that require lubrication to ensure their smooth operation. Over time, the lubricant can dry out, leading to rust and grinding of the bearings. This could lead to the door becoming noisy and difficult to operate. Regular lubrication of the door's components can help prevent this.

Replace Worn-Out Components

Over time, the garage door's components can wear down and create safety hazards. Worn-out springs and cables can snap, leading to serious injuries. Replacing worn-out components promptly can help prevent such hazards. It's important to have a professional inspect your door regularly to ensure it's in good working condition. A trained professional can identify any parts that need replacing promptly.

Proper Balance

A properly balanced garage door is essential to ensure its smooth operation and longevity. If the door becomes unbalanced, it can lead to the door becoming noisy and difficult to operate. Regular inspections of the door's balance can help prevent this. A professional can use special tools to balance the door and ensure its smooth operation.

Inspect the Opener

The garage door opener is the engine of the garage door. If the opener malfunctions, the door won't open or close properly, compromising the safety of your home. Regular inspections of the door opener can help detect any potential problems. The door's opener should be inspected for signs of wear and tear. If you notice any strange noises or difficulty opening or closing your door, it's time to have your opener inspected by a professional.

Clean the Door Tracks

Over time, debris such as dirt and leaves can accumulate in the garage door tracks. This can hamper the door's smooth operation and create safety hazards. Regular cleaning of the door tracks can help prevent this. It's important to use the right cleaning materials to avoid damaging the tracks.

In conclusion, regular inspections of your garage door are vital to ensure its safety, smooth operation, and longevity. As a homeowner, it's important to have a basic understanding of your door's components, maintenance, and repair. If you haven't had your garage door inspected lately, it's time to schedule an appointment with a professional garage door company. Remember, prevention is better than cure. Regular inspections can help you detect any problems early and prevent costly repairs. If you notice any strange noises or difficulty opening or closing your door, don't hesitate to have it inspected. Your safety and that of your loved ones are worth it!