Katrina Hurricane Issue - How Prepared Are You?

Katrina Hurricane Issue - How Prepared Are You?

 by: Samir Jhaveri

Recently, I have been watching the news about Hurricane Katrina and I am sure you have probably been watching, too. My heart goes out to these people and I pray they get the assistance they need as fast as humanly possible. Although we do not have control over natural calamities like tornados, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, landslides, etc, don't you think that we can at least prepare ourselves in some way so that when such a thing occurs, we can take some necessary measures? Is there some way whereby we can reduce the damage to some extent, or maybe ensure that we have prepared ourselves?

Actually, there are lots of things that we can do to ensure that we are safe to some extent, till some real help arrives. I have prepared an ebook from various public domain resources which will take you by the hand and teach you exactly how to go about it. I am not selling this ebook, it is free to download - my due diligence to the society at large. To download the ebook, please visit this link: http://dealz.in/protect-free.htm

I have also observed that many people are selling such information. Please do not buy any such ebook! My free ebook contains much more no-fluff information than those paid ones. Some people are also selling stuff and claiming that if we buy from them, they will donate. What rubbish! I am certainly not going to buy anyone's stuff and HOPE that my money goes to these people. Think about it - it first has to go to this person and then they have to take out their supposed costs and then, MAYBE, they'll forward the money to a charitable organization. No way! If you want to buy a product, then buy a product. If you want to donate, then donate directly to the source. You don't have to buy a product in order to donate your money to worthy charity or organization. Just do it! The affected people are devastated, they lost their jobs, their homes, some lost their loved one's lives, or maybe even their own life due to this major catastrophe. How dare these people try to profit from this disaster!

If you wish to contribute, please visit these links and donate directly:

FEMA - http://www.fema.gov

Red Cross - http://www.redcross.org

If you value your life and your loved ones, you owe it to yourself to get this ebook and also distribute it to your friends and associates. You also need to read it thoroughly and follow all the steps indicated in the ebook. Originally, this ebook was prepared to protect yourself from crime. But as an afterthought, I decided to add this information that I have collected for disaster preparedness.

Details of what this ebook contains:

Crime Section:

  • Protect your home.

  • Protect your home from intruders.

  • Protect your home while away.

  • Burglar proof your doors.

  • Burglar proof your windows.

  • Buying an alarm system.

  • Reduce crime in your area.

  • Protect yourself in the city.

  • Protect your valuables from theft.

  • Protect yourself when traveling.

  • Protect yourself from purse snatchers.

  • Protect yourself from robbery.

  • Protect yourself from pickpockets.

  • Protect yourself against sexual assaults.

  • Protect your cars, bikes (vehicles).

  • Shoplifting - how it hurts everyone!

  • Protect yourself online!

  • Bonus Section.

  • Help for crime victims.

  • Help when in an accident.

  • Help avoiding tickets.

  • Help avoid being arrested.

  • Frauds and Con games.

  • Getting the most out of the police.

  • Additional Internet Links and Resources.

Disaster Preparedness Section:

  • Four Steps to Safety

  • Find Out What Could Happen to You

  • Create a Disaster Plan

  • Complete This Checklist

  • Practice and Maintain Your Plan

  • Your Disaster Preparedness Kit

  • Children & Disasters

  • Children and Their Response to Disaster

  • Advice to Parents

  • Special Needs Section People with Disabilities and Senior’s

  • Introduction

  • Understanding Disasters

  • Know the difference between a "watch" and a "warning"

  • Know what your environment is likely to look like after the disaster

  • Know some other effects of a disaster

  • Know how disaster-related stress may affect your disability

  • Know how a disaster may affect your independence

  • Know how to reduce the impact of a disaster on you

  • Creating a Personal Support Network

  • Completing a Personal Assessment

  • Personal Care

  • Personal Disaster Preparation

  • Emergency Information List

  • Medical Information List

  • Date Completed

  • Disaster Supplies

  • Basic Disaster Supplies Kit

  • Disaster Supplies for Your Car

  • Service Animal and Pet Supplies

  • Power-Dependent Equipment

  • Additional Information on Equipment and Supplies

  • Storing Supplies

  • Date Completed

  • Making Your Home or Office Safer

  • Glossary

  • Considerations for Pets and Pet Owners

  • Have a Safe Place To Take Your Pets

  • Assemble a Portable Pet Disaster Supplies Kit

  • Know What To Do As a Disaster Approaches

Once again, the link to download the ebook is: http://dealz.in/protect-free.htm

Feel free to forward this article to all your friends and associates. They will thank you all their life for giving them such a wonderful resource.

To your safety,

Samir Jhaveri
