Tips When Choosing An Outdoor Fireplace

With the trend towards creating outdoor living spaces and spending more time outside relaxing or entertaining friends, garden accessories such as an outdoor fireplace make the backyard experience that much more enjoyable. The hottest new component in outdoor rooms is the fireplace. Its the perfect way to extend the outdoor season. It takes the chill off spring evenings and gives
fall guests a warm place to gather as the sun goes down.

While choosing between the many different outdoor fireplaces options may at first seem daunting, there are ways to help make your decision easier. For example, it is good to know that an outdoor fireplace can serve not only as a
center piece where people enjoy surrounding the fire, but it also has a functional role such as providing a source of outdoor heating when in close nough proximity of the fires radiating heat. This is true of both gas and wood burning fires. In addition, features such as an attachable grill grate cooking surface makes it possible to cook outside, another added benefit.

Tips for buying an outdoor fireplace

"Check with your local fire department for restrictions before purchasing an outdoor fire unit.

"Avoid fire pits made from sheet metal; they tend to rust in a short period of time.

"Clay chimineas require yearly coats of acrylic wax or water sealer to prevent water damage and cracking. Cast iron left outside will eventually rust,so occasional sanding and painting may be needed. Cast aluminum models require little maintenance.

"Consider the size of the fire-burning area. A small firebox will require small pieces of wood, which you can either cut yourself or purchase.

"Always have a fire extinguisher handy when burning a fire.

"Always use a non-chemically treated wood to prevent harmful flames.

"Kids can collect and set up the wood, but adults should handle all matches. Let older kids keep the fire going. Never leave your fire unattended.

"Extinguish the fire when the evening is over, but dont move a hot fireplace until it is cool to the touch. Do not extinguish a chiminea fire with

"Never light a chiminea or other kind of outdoor fireplace indoors. Always have a fire extinguisher handy when burning a fire.

"Keep the fireplace away from roof overhangs, umbrellas, hanging branches and anything else that could potentially catch on fire. Place the unit on top of brick, concrete, stone tile or a non-combustible hearth pad. The intense heat of a fireplace can scorch patio wood and lawn grass.

"Line the bottom of your metal fire pan with 1 to 2 inches of sand, pea stone or volcanic rock and follow all directions provided with a fireplace unit.

"Tuck wads of newspaper or clothes dryer lint under pieces of very dry wood to get your fire going quickly.

Jane Harvard is a contributing author and publisher to an online resource that provides you with information , articles of interest and a selection of the top outdoor fireplace retailers on the internet.