Selling Like Hotcakes? Tickle My...

Though certainly not as cuddly or kid-friendly as the latest version of that giggling monster, you know the one with the bulging eyes and red fur a new T-shirt is none the less striving to tickle the funny bone of a few consumers.

"Oh my," a blushing Stephanie Wise said when shown the T-shirt. "I'd wear it in the bedroom in hopes that it leads to other things. I'm sure others would too. This is definitely an adults only type of T-shirt."

Wise is right. Tickle My #$%hole is not your child's T-shirt. What it is, though, is funny, bold, daring and maybe even a little therapeutic, according to a leading expert.

Noted psychologist and motivational speaker Sharon Fuller-Baloney thinks the arrival of the T-shirt couldn't have come at a better time.

"This country doesn't have a whole lot going for it at the moment," Fuller-Baloney said. "Sure we can all laugh at the obnoxious or drunken Hollywood actor, but those moments are fleeting. The message printed on this T-shirt should last through at least 20 loads of wash. That's enough enjoyment for several months, more if you're a lazy slob who does laundry once every four weeks. Laughter is good medicine and this T-shirt could become the 21st century's penicillin."

Bob Stone doesn't play with dolls but he does wear T-shirts. He thinks the Tickle My #$%hole T-shirt has several pluses.

"Hey, for one thing it's available," Stone said. "Secondly, I don't have to stand in line at six in the morning fighting with other poor schmucks to get my hands on some overpriced doll my kid will quit playing with after two days. And third, I can communicate better with my old lady. I mean with this T-shirt, there's no doubt what kind of mood big daddy is in."

The Tickle My #$%hole T-shirt features an ambiguous character with a welcoming smile on his or her face. The character's body is definitely that of a woman's. Its head, however, leaves many scratching their heads.

"I don't know what that thing is but it's cute," a woman who refused to give her name said. "Damn, I wish I had a body like that."

The character did not seem to faze Stone one bit.

"Most of the cats I know have been to prison anyway so if it's a dude been there done that," Stone said. 'It's all in fun and I'm about having fun. I believe Confucius said, 'If it feels good, then sign me up not once but twice.'"