Essential Points When Seeking a Compromise Agreement

For the last year you've had an exemplary part time employee working for you. He was a good worker who would help you out if others let you down, and was hugely loyal to you and the company.

The relationship was amicable, he was utterly dependable and you came to rely more and more often on his support. You knew he was studying at college in between working hours and would one day have to leave. But getting a Compromise Agreement drawn up was the furthest thought on your mind.

Firstly, he does not give you the required 4 week notice period. This was written into his contract of employment; whenever he spoke about his college placement coming up, you frequently reminded him he needed to give 4 week's notice. A Compromise Agreement is surely something that happens when there's a big dispute!

He merely sent you a text message whilst on annual leave that suggested you took the extra week from when he mentioned he might be going. Your amazing employee is actually letting you, his employer, know how you can get around the matter! As if that wasn't bad enough, he missed the plane home and failed to turn up for work on his due return day. As you fluctuate between resentment and calm, an agreement to compromise seems an increasingly likely route.

After that, he text you to say he had assumed you had found someone else and would no longer need him. Assumed! So again, the phrase Compromise Agreement comes to mind.

To make things worse, they have still not sent you a formal letter of resignation. Time elapses and the weeks go on with no communication. Then he says he's been busy moving area and looking for accommodation. Meanwhile you're left fuming at the way you have been treated, with absolutely no respect. It must be time to get the advice of a specialist solicitor and a Compromise Agreement drawn up. What if...

When he contacts you to ask for his final pay cheque, you are beginning to wonder where you stand. Next you suddenly think that he could go to Court and bring up all sorts of issues and demands.

Compromise Agreement! It has to be done; an employee might seem to be a perfect worker, but when they move on, it could be time to get tough. An experienced compromise agreement solicitor will provide you both with the opportunity to come to an agreement and go your separate ways without worrying about future problems.