Top 10 Reasons you need Consumer Credit Counseling

Consumer credit is at an all-time high. We have more debt than ever before. And even with all the credit repair gurus and programs, we have our credit cards maxed and dont know what to do. Consumer credit counseling is a real option... do your homework and avoid the scams (if theyre charging you to repair your debt, ask a LOT of questions). So, if you wan to repair your credit, get out of debt, get a good credit counselor.

Top 10 reasons you want Consumer Credit counseling

10) Because you cant stand watching Suze Orman any longer

9) Your credit card companies send you Christmas cards, thanking you for your business

8) Because youre thinking of starting a Debtor Relocation Program

7) Tired of answering the phone with phony Bulgarian accent

6) If youre paying off one credit card with another... and another... and another

5) To teach your children the value of government sponsored consumer credit counseling... and why they never want it!

4) Fun to hear what other debtors bought on their maxed out credit cards

3) Improved self-esteem when you go to consumer credit counseling and find out that your debt is NOTHING compared to the guy sitting next to you

2) Coffee is better than at AA meetings

And the number 1 reason you must get consumer credit counseling...

1) So, once you get out of debt... you can start all over again!

Steven Sashen creates original Top 10 Lists on
many topics. Find out about consumer credit repair