Basics of Internet Marketing

Part Time or Full Time?

That's not really the question you need to ask yourself.
The main question really is:

Do you have the Time?

You've got to ask yourself if you have the time to put
into a home business. Time is your most precious asset
and you have to prioritize it. What kind of a commitment
can you make? Only you can decide what's important to
you and whether or not you can devote your energies into
developing your business. Believe me it will take a lot
of your time and energy to do that!

Yes that's right it takes time! You are Not going to
build your home business overnight. You are Not going
to get 'Rich Overnight'! Don't fall for that hype! It
takes a commitment to succeed in any business. You're
going to have to work it. It's Not Easy, as some of
the scammers will tell you. No One is going to build
your business for you! You have to build your business
with your efforts, your time.

Are you willing to sacrifice some of your free Time?

That's the question you have got to ask yourself before
you ever consider starting a home business. You'd better
stick with the traditional J-O-B if you're not willing to
sacrifice some of your free time. OK, I know you've been
told that network marketing, MLM, or any business from
home will create a time freedom, But the truth is it
takes a lot of work and effort to build your business
to that level. It's not going to happen suddenly!

That's the sad truth about Internet marketing. Folks
have been misled and feel cheated when they don't start
making money quickly. You were told you'd get rich over-
night, but it's not happening, as a matter of fact some
of you have been taken to the cleaners. Don't feel like
the lone ranger though, many good people have lost money
to the scammers. It doesn't mean your stupid. It means
that you need to take the time and research an opportunity
before spending any money. I know the lotto mentality
has spoiled a lot of peoples dreams. It causes you to give
up before you ever have the chance for success. You need
to decide whether you have the time. It doesn't matter
whether you're able to work it part time or full time.
It's the quality of effort and energy you put into it.
You have to set your priorities and go from there.

Don't give up! Take your Time and you'll be surprised at
how Valuable you are and that You Can Succeed!

About the Author

Dale Clark is the 'WebSter'
and independent marketer for
CJ Clarks Email Basics