Expand Your Market Dramatically

Are your marketing efforts limited to your target market?
One of my "Front Page" customers came to me with his dilemma.
His name is Thomas F. Seymour and he owns the Gold Link.
Through the advice I gave Thomas you can dramatically expand
your market. First, I must outline the problems he had expanding
his market.

Thomas F. Seymour sells gold jewelry for an internet lowest
price of $10 per gram at www.tgoldlink.com. His business
achieved front page placement in all the major search engines,
with over 20 different set's of keywords pertaining to gold
jewelry. He has several marketing virus's and articles circulating
in his target market. He posts ads religiously in jewelry related
ezines, newsletters, and in jewelry discussion forums. In other
words he is now making money, from his target market. The
income kind of levels off though, and he needs to know how to
increase his income and expand his market.

Now, let's say, he would like to get exposure in front of the
Internet crowd that spends their time looking for free stuff.
"FREE" is always in the "top 5 most searched word in the
internet search engines" list. However to post in those areas
would be considered spamming because, well, he sells gold,
he is not a freebie site.

Okay, what about expanding his jewelry site to include posts
in the huge target of internet marketers, ton's of discussion
forums. Most successful Internet marketers can afford his
products. So many marketing ezines allow free ads. There are
more ezines with "internet marketing" as a topic, than any
other topic. But to post an ad for jewelry in these marketing
e-zines, it just wouldn't happen. Your product or service needs
to fit a certain niche to be discussed or submitted to any topic
related ezine or discussion group.

So how do we break those barriers? It's quite simple really,
in the case of the Gold Link. His solution was as follows for
those 2 examples above.

First, find a free product that you believe in. Offer it from
your site as a thank you for signing up to your mailing list.
In The Gold Link's case it's a free cellphone. Now he can post
an ad in any freebie listing place to the effect that the Gold
Link is giving away free cellphones. Ton's of free ad space in
all the ezines with free stuff as a topic. Plus it grows his
mailing list.

Second, get involved with a marketing package you can
discuss in the marketing ezines and forums. In Gold Links
case he signed up for Startblaze, nomorehits, and ezytraffic
and several more. I then wrote a special Traffic Magic report
about how to automate the credit building process in these
programs. He gives the report away free through an autoresponder
trafficmagic@tgoldlink.com. This report was so effective and it
intrigued so many marketers that they had to go check him out
some bought gold. It allowed him to expand his exposure into
the internet marketing crowd. It allows him to submit his ads
to the internet marketing ezine community.

Be creative and you can go "on and on" about "how to get into
other target markets," but those examples should help point
the way for some of you who are hoping to expand their market.

About the Author

Richard Bolduc, webmaster for
The Rhinos Web, a featured speaker and the well known author
of "Front Page, Webmasters Guide to the Search engines."
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