Increase Your Sales with a Highly Targeted Advertising Campaign

If you're looking for a low-cost, yet highly effective means of
advertising your products and services, then Google AdWords
may be your answer.

Google AdWords provides a simple way to purchase highly
targeted advertising, regardless of your budget. Unlike other
sites selling banner ad space and pay-per-ranking, AdWords
provides advertisers with highly effective text ads that are
displayed with the search results. Studies have shown that
highly targeted keyword advertising produces an average of
four times the industry standard clickthrough rate.

Google, one of the premier Search Engines, receives over 29
million searches each day. Their popularity most likely stems
from the speed and accuracy of their search results. Needless
to say, placing your text ad with Google Adwords will be a
highly effective way to advertise your products and services.

It is a well-known fact that text ads perform much better than
banner ads. What better way to target your audience than
through a popular Search Engine? Your potential customer is
there for a reason they're looking for something. When a
Google visitor types in their keywords, they are almost
instantly presented with their search results. On the right side
of the results are colored text boxes containing targeted
advertisements that match their search terms.

When you place your ad with AdWords, you will have the
ability to select a list of tightly targeted keywords including
all of the following:

Keyword Matching - Shows your ad when a search includes
your selected words.

Phrase Matching - Shows your ad when a search includes
your selected phrases.

Exact Query Matching - Shows your ad when a search
contains your exact keywords and no others.

Negative Keyword Matching - Will not show your ad if a
search contains certain words you select.

This unique targeting technique will enable you to create a
highly targeted ad campaign and test your ads with a high
rate of accuracy. What's more, you can even target your ads
to a specific country or language.

The great thing about advertising with Google AdWords is
that you will have complete control over your ad and how
much you'd like to spend. You can open an account with a
credit card with no minimum deposit required. Once you place
your ad, it can begin running almost immediately.

Their advertising rates are very reasonable. The amount you
spend on your advertising campaign will depend on two
factors: (1) the number of times your ad is displayed and
(2) the position, one through eight, in which your ad appears.
The advertising rates are as follows:

Position 1 - $15 per thousand ads shown
Position 2 - $12 per thousand ads shown
Position 3 - $10 per thousand ads shown
Position 4 - 8 $8 per thousand ads shown

The position of an ad is determined by how well it is
performing. Ads with a higher clickthrough rate will receive
a higher position and in turn will cost more.

In order to increase your clickthrough rate and spend less
money, try to select keywords and phrases that specifically
target the product or service you're offering. Avoid using
common words, as these will use up your ad displays very
rapidly. Instead, select words that specifically target your
product or service. For example, instead of using a general
keyword like 'software,' use a keyword that focuses on a
specific software such as 'FrontPage 2002.' Or, a little less
focused, 'web design software.' In addition, make sure you
use your keyword phrase (search term) as the title of your
ad. This will increase your clickthrough rate considerably.

When you set up your account with Google, make sure you
use a different ad for each search term. Not only will this
increase your ad's relevance in the search results, but it will
also increase your clickthrough rate.

Once you place your ad, you can easily track your ad's
response rate and make adjustments instantly. This is a great,
low-cost way to find out which ads are performing the best.

Google AdWords provides Internet marketers with a cost-
effective alternative to banner advertising. If you want to
increase your traffic and sales, give AdWord a try you'll
be glad you did.

For further information, visit Google AdWords:

About the Author

Shelley Lowery is the author of Ebook Starter. A complete
ebook design kit that takes you step by step through
designing, creating and marketing your own ebook. Give
your ebook a professional look in just a few simple steps
with over 100 ebook interface and cover templates.