Baldness Is A Fact Of Life For Most Men Treatment Can However Reverese This Process

Going bald is a fact of life for millions of men around the world. Adults lose about 10,000 scalp hairs each day. A single strand of hair normally lives for around five years after which it automatically falls out so that a new hair can grow in its place. However with male pattern baldness these lost hairs are not always replaced and very gradually yet steadily it results in baldness. The time period for this process to occur differs in each individual. No one can predict how long it will be before you define yourself as bald.

Hair loss that brings about thinning of the hair mass is known as alopecia. However, when the same hair loss is related to hormonal (androgens) and genetic factors, it is known as androgenetic alopecia. The predominant characteristics of male pattern alopecia are:

A receding hairline

Hair loss on the top of the head

Men start to go bald because of a number of factors. But for men between the ages of 20-45 who start to lose scalp hair, there are 95% chances that he is experiencing male pattern baldness. As suggested by the term, it follows a typical pattern of hair loss – usually starting at the temples or on the crown of the head. Progressive thinning over a number of years either leads to total baldness or typical hair loss hair over the top surface of the head.

Baldness Causes

Since most men are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness, it is the result of the effect of the hormones on the hair follicles. Testosterone, primarily called a male hormone, is present in high levels in males after puberty. It is primarily this testosterone that is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. DHT affects the hair follicles adversely; it acts on a hormone receptor on the hair follicle to slow down hair production and produce weak, short hair. Sometimes the DHT levels may be so high that it completely stops hair growth from the follicles.

Aging is another factor that is responsible for hair loss and most men adjust to this loss automatically. Illness or disease may also result in unnatural hair loss. You must go to the doctor if:

You lose hair suddenly

Your hair loss is in clumps or significant amounts on your pillow, back of your clothes or after a head bath

This sudden hair loss does not represent typical male pattern baldness and does require a diagnosis by a medical professional. Numerous reasons may result in hair loss but often it can be treated successfully. These reasons could be:

High temperature associated with infections or flu
Thyroid and pituitary problems
Some medical treatments like radiotherapy

As a side effect of medications such as interferon, chemotherapy and steroids
Psychological problems such as trichotillomania (where some people pull out their hair)
Exposure to dangerous chemicals such as thallium acetate
Fungal infections of the scalp

Alpaca Areata Universalis (where the whole body is affected)
Alopecia Totalis (where the whole of the scalp becomes bald)

If disease is the cause for hair loss, it will normally be accompanied by other symptoms. But a doctor can easily check this out for you.

Baldness Treatments

Treatment for baldness is not really necessary if you are comfortable with your appearance. However, some people may decide to go in for hair weaving, hairpieces, or change of hairstyle to disguise their hair loss. This is generally considered to be the least expensive and also the safest approach to male pattern baldness.

But if you are looking for something more permanent, you could use prescription drugs that have the potential to treat male pattern baldness. These include:

Minoxidil (Rogaine) is a solution that is applied directly to the scalp. This stimulates the hair follicles, reduces hair loss and also works in the area of new hair growth. However, this is not a magic potion and discontinuing the application of this solution will bring back the previous degree of hair loss.

Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) is a prescription-only medicine that works by inhibiting the production of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone. This drug is more likely to lessen the pace of hair loss as well as result in new hair growth. However, like Minoxidil, Finasteride also returns the previous degree of hair loss once the drug is stopped.

Hair transplants are another permanent option for hair re-growth. Since it is also very expensive, it is not a very viable option in terms of cost. The procedure, nevertheless, involves removing tiny plugs of hair from areas of hair growth and placing them in the balding areas. This may though cause minor scarring in the donor areas. In addition, it carries a modest risk for skin infection, requires multiple sittings and is highly expensive. But results are generally excellent and permanent.

Suturing hair pieces to the scalp is not advisable as it may result in scars, infections, and abscess of the scalp. Additionally, use of hair implants, made of artificial fibers, is also not recommended as they have a high rate of infection.

Male pattern baldness is a permanent, non-medical disorder. But all the same it can adversely affect self-esteem and be a major cause for anxiety. Propecia can help you get over this successfully.