Helpful Hints For Getting An Online Business Started

Set specific goals, we all are in this to make

money. How much money do you want to make by a

certain date... for example

Set a reasonable time frame to accomplish your goal.

Getting organized

I use 3x5" index cards and an alpha filing system

to know where I have been and notes such as:

Name of Business Opportunity, Tool, etc.

My ID number and Password for site if applicable

URL of my new affiliate website or the website

I want to check out later

If it is a trial membership when it ends

Any fees associated

If it is a Business Opportunity I write on the

back of the card any tools or special features.

Initially I was putting everything in Favorites or

Book marking it then when I went to organize I

forgot what was so special about the 15 sites there.

I was on the phone with one of my down line members

and Gordon said 'wait a minute I'll find it' when

I popped in with the answer. He asked how I found

it so fast to which I replied 'my little index cards'.

You see Gordon had his own system he had been using

for some time. Don't know if he has changed to index

cards or not. (I kinda think he has).

I purchased extra paper and an extra black ink

cartridge for my printer. You will need to print

out pages with information for future reference

if you sign up for anything - even if it is

To Print only in black... go to "Start" - "Settings"

"Printer" then to the "Properties" "Advanced" area

of your printer and have it print in "Grayscale"

(no color only black ink is used). This will

save you money. I also print in "draft" quality.

I save those pages that are the last page printed

and have little or nothing on them so I can

scribble on them. You will find that when you

are reading some information an email address

or url reference is made to something you want

to check out later, well "scribble it down" or

use an index card.

"Don't start trying to read how to succeed just

start succeeding". Remember not to get the cart

before the horse... If you expect to make a living

with your computer make sure that you know all about

your computer.

Get an email address used strickly for bsiness

Set up a folder for your business(es), one

for Ads/Leads - Training - Newsletters. You will

want to keep some of the info you sign up for

future references or to use right now. If you like

an article in an Ezine or email save it and use it

as a foundation for your own Ezine or emails.

Things To Understand If You're A Newbie

This is a numbers game! When you advertise on a site with thousands of other, stats say

that 2-3% will will click your business

opportunity url. Lots Of Ads.

Other interesting Stats:

Working part time 10-20 hours per week

For 3 - 5 years

Before you might reach financial independence

Let us Make Some Money Now

YOU NEED A WEB SITE! Now wait a minute - that

does not mean you need to build your own website

right away. (It is best to have your own but not

necessary to get started). Lots of Business

Opportunities and Affiliate Programs have "self

replicating web sites" that you get with the

program. Find One you Like and Get Movin'.

You do need to start someplace. So Go Place An Ad
or two...

Christine Evans publishes "Home Business Tips Newsletter",
which reveals poven Tips, Tools & Opportunities for growing
a successful home based online business Come by and get
a F>R>E>E subscription today at

About the Author

As a retired work-a-holic I need challenges and mental stimulation... so I amn on the internet to learn, teach, and become financially independent.