Five Steps To Block Boxer Chasing Problems Today

Boxers may exhibit Boxer aggression through Boxer chasing when exposed to stimuli due to inappropriate or lack of Boxer training methods. Most of the time, you would catch them Boxer chasing a motorcycle, a car, or a bicycle. It would also run after a passersby, and animals like cats, snakes, squirrels, sheeps, and cows, all of which are detrimental to the canine's life.

Boxer chasing vehicles may possibly get your dogs into a vehicular accident, or might contract Rabies or even poison himself by a snake's venom and in turn, make him suffer from Boxer health problems or even death.

These are just few of the issues that most dog enthusiasts face and need to be addressed before it's too late. Boxer chasing concerns need to be solved before they become real problems.

To guarantee you and your Boxer's protection, here are five steps to prevent Boxer chasing problems as early as now.

Step one: For safety purposes, it is best to initiate Boxer puppy training as soon as you bring him to your home. Introduce him to the family environment and treat him as your family's best friend. While he is still a Boxer puppy, teach him how to stop Boxer chasing so that he will not be able to bring this habit until his later life.

Square muzzled and brachycephalic, Boxer breeds are harder to coach when they are already adults since it would be difficult to control their actions, considering their heavy body mass. They also tend to become hard-nosed.

Step two: Be your dog's boss. Boxers, like wolves, are attuned to having their own leader when in pack. When your dog attempts Boxer chasing, say "No" firmly and never punish him. If he complies, praise him for his act.

Your Boxer must recognize you as his boss and do not let him have a control over you. Boxers just wait for their master's cue and follow him wherever he is heading to. Make constant directions and be firm with your rules. Step two: Never let your Boxer outside without a leash or collar. In that way, you can control his every movement, particularly when he attempts to run after cars or animals. Holding his chain tightly prevents him from Boxer chasing everything that catches his sight.

If you let your Boxer run freely into the street, he might meet a car accident and injure himself and other humans, or Boxer bite a kid who is just passing by.

Step three: Always have an eye over your Boxer puppy when he is outside. Train him to stay in his own yard to ward him off from Boxer chasing people and animals that come near his territory. Remember that they are naturally territorial.

Unwanted visitors may trigger his destructive behaviors such as Boxer biting and Boxer jumping. That's not a manner that you would want to see from him. Therefore, put a red light in this unpleasant attitude when training Boxer dogs before it becomes a habit.

Step four: You may also try other effective technique to cease your Boxer chasing problems. You may approach a friend and ask for his favor.

Say for instance, while you go out for a walk with your Boxer dog, have your friend pass by in a car. Once the canine attempts to come closer to your friend, have him throw a water balloon outside the window but not towards the Boxer.

Step five: You may also involve different friends and cars so that your Boxer dog will not associate the water balloon with that certain person and car. Just be patient and be creative if you want everything to work out.

This is not intended to harm your Boxer dog. It seeks to prevent their Boxer dogs from Boxer chasing vehicles through avoiding themselves from getting wet. This process can be repeated for several days or weeks until the objective is obtained.

If all else fails, consult an animal expert as soon as possible to provide you with the best solutions to your Boxer chasing concerns.