How to Brush a Dog's Teeth

I know it sounds weird talking about brushing dog teeth. But it is a fact that canine dental health care is vital for your pet's long and happy life. Neglecting the teeth of dogs (and also cats) can lead to heavy buildups of tartar on the each tooth which then can lead to gum infections.

The gum infections can then lead to bleeding of the gums around the dog's teeth. This bleeding then allows easy access to the blood stream for the bacteria that the tartar harbors. This bacteria can then migrate to other parts of the body and infect other organs often leading to sickness and in some cases even death of the canine.

One of the most popular methods for cleaning dog teeth is to take them to the vet for a process called scaling. This works very well but has drawbacks. First, it is very expensive. Secondly, it involves using general anesthetic on the dog. This can be very dangerous for older dogs. Many older canines do not handle the anesthetic well at all.

However, there is an alternative treatment for cleaning canine teeth that is inexpensive, safe and highly effective. It involves simply brushing the dog's teeth with a special brush and dog tooth paste which is designed especially for your four legged friend.

The process of brushing is much the same as in humans. However, the real trick is to coax the dog into doing the process without forcing them or otherwise making the time stressful for either the pet owner or the canine.

The best way to achieve this is to begin the process slowly. When the tooth brush and cleaning gel are first purchased, the biggest mistake the owner can make is to attempt a complete brushing the first day. This will cause great distress usually for the dog. Instead, it's important to spend a few days getting the dog used to the brush by having it present during play time and petting. All dogs are different, but the idea is to get the dog to associate the brush and the tooth paste with pleasure.

Gradually you can begin touching the dog's mouth with the brush during petting and play. Then, put some of the gel on the tooth brush and allow the dog to lick it off. Most of the products contain ingredients that dogs will readily lick. As they allow this process, continue spending more and more time in the dog's mouth with the brush.

This process could and probably should take several weeks of slowly breaking the dog into the process. Rushing the procedure will ruin the process for both owner and pet. Going slowly and paying attention to the individual personality of the pet will ensure an easier time for cleaning the canine's teeth and guarantee proper dental health for the pet the rest of their life.