Are You Expecting To Succeed

Or are you expecting to fail?

Sounds like a silly question, doesn’t it. But it isn’t!

I’m going to delve into the world of sport to illustrate this point.

You may or may not like sport, but it is fantastic for personal development

Right then, here we go…

Golf – Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus.
Tennis – Pete Sampras, Bjorn Borg.
Boxing – Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali.

What do they all have in common?

They all expected to win, and here’s the kicker, any opponent facing them
expected to fail!

People attract what they think about.

This is because conscious thoughts can program the subconscious mind,
which in turn makes you act in a certain way, with the subsequent

The 6 sports stars above, they won many events before they’d started.

Even if they were injured, the expectation of victory was enough to tip the
scales in their favour.

Back to real life, you must banish negativity from your mind, don’t
listen to the ‘dream stealing’ voice in your head.

With my new book, I set myself the challenge of writing and publishing it
in 21 days.

Did I ever doubt that I would do it?
Of course not!

In fact I had people post in some online forums, that they knew full well I
would do it.

They expected me to succeed, because they knew I expected to

This kind of assurance takes time to develop, and practice.

Once you have it though, any goal you set is just a matter of ‘when,’ not

About the Author

Gordon Bryan's new book, 'Transform
Your Life in 21 Days!
has been described as 'a must read', 'awesome', and
'a true gem'.
If you liked this article, see the book for yourself at: