Learn How to Fail

Learn How to Fail
(c) Jude Wright 2004

II bet you've heard the phrase, "Failure is not an option."
But, let's think about it.

What would happen if no one ever failed - at anything? How
would you learn? Learning from past failures, and successes,
shows us how we can do it better next time. Without
mistakes, we would never appreciate our accomplishments.

There is a lesson to be learned from each mistake. Take that
mistake and make it your challenge. Break it into pieces.
What was the turning point to change it from success into

Take the first step and analyze it. Did it work like you
wanted? Good. Go to the next step. Keep going.

At each step, decide how you can improve the process,
wording, product - whatever the problem is. Then, try

Even the Wright brothers' first flight failed, but they
tried again. What if THEY had given up?

Persevere. Your challenges will lead the way to your

In the middle of difficulty lies Opportunity.
Albert Einstein

Each major success is made up of a series of smaller
successes - and of many failures - yours or someone else's.
Learn from the mistake. Make it your goal to find out WHY.

One reason for failure is setting goals that are difficult,
even impossible, to achieve. Many baby steps add up to a
whole success. Success is accomplished by setting one small,
achievable, goal at a time.

We are our own worst critic. When we fail, we make it a
reflection of our "self." It seems we usually identify our
"self" with our mistakes instead of our achievements. That
is one mistake you do NOT want to make. Your mistake is not

Don't overlook your successes. You need them to look back on
when those nasty surprises pop up. Remember them when you
think you're a failure.

So, in 2004, don't say, "Failure is not an option." Instead,
say, "I can change it to a success by (insert your
own solution)!

About the Author

Jude Wright is a newly retired Internet Junkie. She has five
websites of her own and designs sites for others. She caters to
the Internet "Newbie." Visit her three main sites at:
http://aboutaffiliates.com; http://i-marketingorganizer.com;