PUT ON A HAPPY FACE Confidence is the Key!

Every time you turn on a radio or TV these days, you hear doom-
and-gloom news about the US economy. As a businessperson, it's
hard NOT to get discouraged. However, we need to do exactly that
if we want to keep our businesses thriving.

Even if you have been hard hit by recent events (and who hasn't,
one way or another?), it is still important that you put forth a
confident image to your customers. In fact, it is part of our
job as business owners to make sure that our customers don't lose
hope. If you are confident in your business, your customers will
follow suit.

The first step to creating confidence in your customers is to be
confident yourself and focus on the positive. Don't dwell on the
problems you might have you can talk about your problems, but
think of them as obstacles that have been overcome, rather than
as disasters. For instance, don't say to your customers, "Slow
sales have caused us to discontinue some of our items." Instead,
say, "Recent events have given us the opportunity to reevaluate
our product line and focus on the products that are the most
important to you." Look at the opportunities that a situation
provides, rather than the problems it causes.

You can also help reassure nervous customers by giving them
concrete examples of success. For some reason, real-life examples
are MUCH more reassuring than just giving hypothetical "here's
what you COULD do" examples. That means that you should not skimp
on your real-life testimonials. Give your customers plenty of
stories of people who love your product or who succeeded after
joining your opportunity. If possible, give the customers a way
of contacting one or two of your satisfied customers talking
to a real "success story" will do a great job of calming shaky

A third way to create customer confidence is to simply "be there"
for them. Here's a little story to illustrate my point: I used to
be afraid to go into my grandparents' basement alone, but if I
was with someone, I was fine. Having someone else with me reduced
my nervousness.

You should try to be that person for your customers. By providing
good customer service, keeping in touch with your clients, or
providing community building services like newsletters or
discussion boards, your customers will know that they are not
alone in their purchase they have someone to turn to if they
have concerns or questions. This is VERY reassuring.

Just remember that your customers are people which means that
will get scared from time to time. What we have to do is remain
calm and try our best to pass that feeling of calm along to our
customers. If we can do that, then, in no time at all, we will
all realize that the problems weren't nearly as bad as they

About the Author

Alvin Apple helps everyday people start businesses they will
enjoy. Then he teaches them how to succeed. Read all his helpful
strategies, including his latest article, "The 7 Deadly Marketing
Sins" at http://AlvinApple.com. Reach Alvin at 801-328-9006 or