Period When Pregnant - Is It Possible To Be Pregnant And Still See Your Period?

The answer in one word is; No. But it is really a little more complex than that. Why did I say so? Well, if you cannot see your period when pregnant, what then is the blood that you are seeing right now? The fact is that it can be very unnerving to see period-like bleeding during pregnancy. Although this condition is normal, it nevertheless causes you to become panicky. This article will discuss this period-like bleeding in an attempt to give you an in-depth understanding of what it is.

1. What Are The Symptoms?

The symptoms of these period-like bleeding range from very light spotting to flows which are more heavy, resembling a more regular period. As your body struggles to acclimatize to the excess hormones and the fact that there is a baby within, you may need to employ the use of normal feminine period protection to absorb the bleeding during the first few months of your pregnancy. This bleeding may be accompanied by your regular period signs including cramps and so on. If this bleeding is pinkish in nature, brownish, or light red, you really have nothing to worry about. Alert your doctor once you notice a bright red colored flow.

2. Is It Normal?

If the flow you see is pinkish, brownish or light red, and the spotting is not heavy, then; yes, it is normal. This flow is a result of your body changing in many ways; this includes; a fluctuating hormonal level, the fact that you can no longer have a period after your body is used to having one routinely, new life growing within your womb, and so on.

3. What Causes This Bleeding ?

The major cause of this bleeding, when all conditions are normal, is referred to as implantation. This is the process that describes the embedding of the embryo into the wall of the uterus. This occurs at the beginning of your pregnancy and usually results in a light flow of blood which is referred to as implantation bleeding. If conditions are not normal and you notice a heavier flow, then it may be caused by a more severe condition; these may include; ectopic pregnancy, or a miscarriage.

4. When Should I Call The Doctor?

Call your health care provider if you notice a heavier bleeding, cramping and tightening of your abdomen, especially if this flow begins abruptly. The above symptoms may indicate an impending miscarriage and should be dealt with in a serious manner. If the flows you notice are light, then you can afford to wait until your next appointment with your doctor to mention it.

5. What About These Accompanying Discharges?

Different kinds of discharges will be experienced throughout your pregnancy term. They will range from brownish in color to yellowish, pinkish, and so on. Each of them indicates a different condition. Some of these conditions are normal while others require immediate medical attention. Ensure that your health care provider is kept abreast of these discharges so that you can be sure that you are not in any risk.