107 articles on "agent"

Expert Advice To Have The Best Vacation In India

India is famous as the land of diversity. Indian culture is a potpourri of various colorful cultures. India is a multi-religious country where all the various religions have influenced each other and helped them grow. Indian geography is full of vari...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure india agent sure
Real Estate Values or Just Bad Habits

There are several small businesses that retain hundred-year-old traditions, Hand-dipping chocolates, fresh flowers on every table in a restaurant,or mints and roses on a guest's pillow at a B&B. Loyal customers come to expect these little perks...

Business And Finance  business finance agents come
Easing Your Way Into Homeownership: How Your Real Estate Agent Can Help You Qualify For A Low Down Payment Mortgage

Easing Your Way Into Homeownership: How Your Real Estate Agent Can Help You Qualify For A Low Down Payment Mortgage by: W. Troy Swezey For many renters, the first step in buying a home is becoming educated about the process. If you’re like man...

Business And Finance  business finance agent payment mortgage
Let the Real Estate Buyer Prepare Internet Tools to Assist in Your Search for a Real Estate Agent

Let the Real Estate Buyer Prepare:Internet Tools to Assist in Your Search for a Real Estate AgentReal Estate transactions evoke the most sense of trepidation amongst consumers. After all, these are the transactions where the largest amounts of money ...

Business And Finance  business finance agent estate real past internet
What To Look For In A Real Estate Agent

What To Look For In A Real Estate Agent by: Tom Levine Real Estate Agents play an essential, critical role in the process of buying and selling a home. You just simply cannot afford to work with an agent that does not exhibit top-scale professio...

Business And Finance  business finance agents real agent estate
Why Free Agent Thinking Is Good For Your Company

It's no secret! Day after day the news is riddled withcompanies who are moving operations to other countries or completely closing their doors. Those who remain musttransform themselves to lean, mean, businesses with a constant eye on reducing c...

Business And Finance  business finance agent work
Do Your Homework Before Traveling

Do Your Homework Before Traveling by: Sue Taylor Do Your Homework Before Traveling When planning a trip, it is advisable to spend some time doing research even if you are booking through a Travel Agent. This research could save you a significant...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure hotel agent
Real Estate Agents : Finding The Right One For You

One of the most important steps, and usually one of the first, in buying a home or investing in any type of property is finding a real estate agent. Whether you are looking to make that move to a certain location, or already live in the area and wish...

Business And Finance  business finance agent real estate home
Selling Your Home In The Winter

Selling Your Home In The Winter by: W. Troy Swezey In many parts of the country, selling a home during the winter months can be a challenge. Dreary, cold weather and the end-of-the-year holidays can keep buyers away and heighten fears of your ho...

Business And Finance  business finance agent price time sales
What Is A Home Based Travel Agent?

What Is A Home Based Travel Agent? by: Jennifer Dugan Many people are unclear about the travel industry. Travel agents are often thought to be the same as real estate agents. Becoming a travel agent or more specifically a home based travel agent...

Online Business  online business travel agent agents people hotel