45 articles on "analysis"

There's Gold in Your Website's Server Log

There's Gold in Your Website's Server Log by: Stephen Bucaro Many Webmasters have never bothered to view their website's server log. Ignoring your server log is like flying with a blind pilot. You may still be cruising along, but ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet server visitors analysis host
How to Avoid Nasty Business Surprises

Conducting business in the 21st century often requires quick decisions. This often leads to sound data being replaced by perception as the basis for making important resolutions. The risks in this approach are clear: business decisions made without a...

Business And Finance  business finance analysis perception
Four Secrets to Energizing Your News Story

Every news story must have a FACE. If your forget to put a FACE on your story proposal, your chances of interesting a reporter are nil.All true PR Rainmakers faithfully practice this fundamental every time they design a story proposal for the news me...

Marketing  marketing story news emotions analysis must
Hair Analysis – The Roadmap to Wellness

Hair Analysis – The Roadmap to Wellness by: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD., CN Did you know that your hair has the advantage of long-term memory? Hair is a permanent record, like tree rings. A three-inch strand of human hair will give a six-month ...

Health  health hair analysis chemicals
Fair Measures Corporation: A case study in online “thinking outside the box”

Measures Corporation: A case study in online “thinking outside the box” by: Philippa Gamse Fair Measures Corporation is a nationally recognized management training company made up of attorneys and professional speakers. They consult with com...

Site Promotion  site promotion analysis employees
Analysis of a Topic Writing Essays and Term Papers

Analyzing a topic is often the first step in researching an essay or term paper. It describes and defines a topic and its importance. Does the topic have value? Why should it be discussed? Answering these questions is important in an analysis of a t...

Writing  writing analysis story essay book topic does
SEO Consultant A Good Business Tool

At the very beginning the seo consultant focuses on client's strategic marketing and messaging information such as industry segment, target market, value proposition or offer, etc. This is all important for doing the right selection of keywords ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet analysis consultant business marketing search
Gaining Business Intelligence

Gaining Business Intelligence by: Jerome Bergerou A white paper on how companies should analyse customer data to gain better business intelligence and how they can use that knowledge. GAINING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE In an increasingly competitive ...

Business And Finance  business finance data analysis customers company
How to Sell More Stuff to More People, More Often.

So the goal is to sell more stuff to more people, more often? All you have to do is have all the tools the professionals use and put them at your fingertips.You will need to get the best advice from a wide field of business and marketing experts.Star...

Marketing  marketing advertising advice analysis
10 Steps To Detoxification

10 Steps To Detoxification by: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD., CN Technology. We live in a grand time of technological development. Computers, the Internet, cell phones, digital cameras and DVDs. But the human body has not 'kept up' with t...

Health  health toxins hair analysis