49 articles on "auctions"

Ten Sure Fire Ways To Lose Bidders

Ten Sure Fire Ways To Lose Bidders by: Steven Woodward When you realize the cost of placing an auction includes everything from auction site fees, cost of electricity, internet access, your time, and other auction management issues and expenses,...

Online Business  online business auction bidders item auctions condition
USP on eBay

USP on eBay by: Greg HayesIf you have dabbled at all in the world of Internet marketing, you may have heard the term "unique selling proposition" or USP. USP is a technique that Internet marketers use to set themselves apart from the competition...

Online Business  online business selling auctions ebay youaposre
The Ebay Powerseller secrets to save you from the 3 P's

"The Ebay "Powerseller" secrets to save you from the 3 P's"1100 words. Formatted to 60 characters. You may publish this article free of charge in your ezine, web site, ebook or print publication so long as thecopyright notice and the resource pa...

Business And Finance  business finance ebay market years auctions
The Top Sellers On eBay & We Can Learn From Them

A fascinating eBay case study is the number one seller on eBay, a little outfit called Marie's CDs, but is better known under its old name "1 Cent CD." Jay and Marie, current ID "jayandmarie", are an institution on eBay and are a big part of wha...

Business And Finance  business finance ebay auctions million
Boost E-Bay Profits with Audio

Boost E-Bay Profits with Audio by: Nial Robbins Can you boost profits significantly by adding audio to your E-Bay auctions? According to a recent article on a net business site the answer is a definite yes. In fact, one e-book author suggested t...

Online Business  online business audio bidder auctions adding
The Cold Hard Facts About Government Car Auctions

The public can now enjoy the opportunity of owning United States government-acquired properties and assets including seized, repossessed and surplus vehicles through government car auctions. Increasingly, people find it a benefit to purchase ex gover...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks government cars auctions vehicles also
How Many EBay Accounts Am I Allowed To Have?

How many eBay accounts are you allowed to have? The simple answer is that there is no limit! You can set up one account or one hundred, the choice is yours, however each account must have an individual and unique email address. Other than that all of...

Online Business  online business ebay account selling accounts auctions
Government Seized Automobile Auctions

Cars play a vital role in ones life and especially in today's world of rapid pace and development there should be at least one car per person. People have started looking for ways to get a cheaper car and one efficient way of getting a car at ve...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks cars government auctions banks available
Online Auctions: 10 Secrets You Should Know Before Bidding At An Online Auction

Online Auctions: 10 Secrets You Should Know Before Bidding At An Online Auction  by: I-key Benney, CEO You may have heard about ebay and other online auctions. You may have participated in some of the biddings. But before you do the next biddi...

Site Promotion  site promotion product auction auctions donapost price
Save Thousands at Auto Auctions - Without Marrying a Car Dealer!

Save Thousands at Auto Auctions - Without Marrying a Car Dealer! by: Cat Tobin The Common Misconception: Auto auctions are only open to car dealers. The Surprising Truth: Anyone with the right resources can participate in the same auctions as t...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks dealers auctions them