626 articles on "baby"

Baby Name Meanings

Speaking as a Michael (a Hebrew name, meaning “Who is like God”), I’m really proud of my name. And I think that I – mostly - live up to the title! Of course, my mother would probably disagree; I think the phrase “little devil” would proba...

Family  family name meaning baby means meanings little names
Otherworldly Pennons Of Tenderness: Fairy Crib Sets For Your Tot's Shady Retreat

Almost inevitably, when parents find that they are expecting a girl, they conjure images of a nursery covered floor to ceiling in pink with a Tinker-belle fairy motif. If you find yourself among these fortunate people, then you can look forward to a ...

Parenting  parenting fairy bedding baby princess nursery
How To Baby Proof Your Nursery And Crib

If you're expecting your first child you are probably on an emotional, financial, and physical roller coaster. However there's another thing to add to your list of things to do before your baby arrives - and keep up with as your baby gets o...

Family  family crib baby safe changing mattress
A Night Out For Mom & Dad

A Night Out For Mom & Dad by: Jennifer Shryock Is your babysitter watching the kids and your k9 family member? It is Saturday night and you have planned for a babysitter to entertain and care for your children while you have a date with your spo...

Parenting  parenting babysitter kids canine
Mommy Needs Her Sleep

Mommy Needs Her Sleep by: Tammy Hussin, J.D Bringing a new baby home from the hospital is a beautiful experience, but it can also be filled with a multitude of anxieties and frustrations. One of the major sources of anxiety is figuring out how y...

Family  family baby sleep willout time asleep fall
7 Breastfeeding Myths Dispelled!

7 Breastfeeding Myths Dispelled! by: Michelle Higgins Despite the tons of scientific literature available, these breastfeeding myths are a cause of concern for every nursing mother.Read on to see a few common myths dispelled. Myth #1 "My breasts...

Parenting  parenting breast milk breastfeeding baby formula back
Madonna's Adoption Including Africa Today

In Africa it seems to be all misery and nothing but problems, in the past few months we have had the attempted assassination of the Somali President, the invasion of Northern Somali towns by Ethiopian troops, continuing ethnic problems is Darfur (Sud...

Music And Entertainment  music entertainment adopt child baby malawi madonna
When Not To Begin Potty Training

When Not To Begin Potty Training by: Danna HendersonPotty training can be a stressful experience for you and your child. It's best to start potty training when your child has an established daily routine and is not dealing with any addition...

Family  family child potty training baby begin
Common Birth Injuries And How They Happen

Serious birth injuries can have long-term effects on a child, and therefore it is important that if your baby suffered an injury at birth that you understand the causes and the long-term implications. This article seeks to provide a basic overview; f...

Legal  legal birth injuries serious injury baby doctor term
Is it Good Idea to Give a Walker as a Baby Christmas Gift?

More than half of all babies between the ages of 6 and 13 months use baby walkers. Babies almost all over the world love them, and so do their parents because walkers promote walking, provide exercise and can keep an otherwise fussy baby entertained ...

Parenting  parenting baby walkers babies they