75 articles on "browser"

Web Source Web Design Tips - Using META Tags to Prevent Browser Cache

Meta tags are used to give detailed instructions, inregard to a web page, to the Search Engines and browsers.When visiting a web site, your browser will cache or make a copy of the web site for fasting viewing your next visit.This will prevent your r...

Web Development  development prevent tags browser meta visitors

In the book, "The Agony and the Ecstasy", I read that Michael Angelo dug up graves in order to study the human anatomy in all its gory manifestation. He used to hold the internal organs in his bare hands. He came up with masterpieces.The same is true...

Web Development  development browser tags search here
AJAX Web Application Development Explained

The concept of combining Asynchronous Javascript with XML to fulfill the purpose of development of highly interactive web applications is called AJAX. Credible examples of the popularity of this technology would be Google maps and A9 which have been ...

Web Development  development server user ajax application browser
What is Spyware

The most frustrating part of having Spyware on your computer is the sheer feeling of helplessness that is invoked. Your computer slows down, it no longer does what you instructed it to, it seems to have a mind of its own. You effectively have lost co...

Computers And Internet  computers internet software computer spyware browser system
Has your site got the 3 basic security measures

In recent weeks, attacks on prominent sites such as Yahoo and Ebay have brought home a very pressing point - site security. Anywhere you have a dynamically-generated page, you could be open to attacks where malicious HTML is embedded into your pages....

Computers And Internet  computers internet input character browser security
Create a Search Engine Toolbar for Your Web Site

Create a Search Engine Toolbar for Your Web SiteThe trend started with Google releasing their toolbar for Internet Explorer. It changed the way we searched by making the search engine available from inside the browser with no need for the user to go ...

Web Development  development toolbar search custom browser
What is Spyware?

The most frustrating part of having Spyware on your computer is the sheer feeling of helplessness that is invoked. Your computer slows down, it no longer does what you instructed it to, it seems to have a mind of its own. You effectively have lost co...

Business And Finance  business finance computer software spyware browser system
Developing State-enabled Applications With PHP

Developing State-enabled Applications With PHP by: John L Installment 1 Developing State-enabled Applications With PHP When a user is browsing through a website and is surfing from one web page to another, sometimes the website needs to remember...

Web Development  development session cookie user cookies browser server
Cookies aren't just for eating anymore

Confused about cookies? Not the chocolate chip variety; the computer-related kind. Here is some information that'll help you understand what cookies do, why they do it, and how to control them.First, a definition. Cookies are tiny text files whi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet cookies browser server
Opera, Mozilla Ready for Prime Time

© 2004, John Calderhttp://www.TheEzine.netEarly Internet surfers, which of course means something less than a decade ago for most of us, will remember the days when Netscape was the only real browser in town. For those who don't remember, t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet browser mozilla opera client email