43 articles on "bully"

Backpacks and Bullies. Is Your Child Prepared?

Backpacks and Bullies. Is Your Child Prepared? by: Patricia Gatto As the flurry of Back to School activities subside, parents are left to ponder more pressing issues than notebooks, backpacks, and sneakers. Will my child succeed this year? Will ...

Parenting  parenting child bullying school self
Recognizing the Six Types of Aggressive Bullies - - Are You a Victim?

Bullying can be described as aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength. Often patterns of abusive behavior becomes evident over time. Victims or targets sometimes downplay the violence and damage to their ...

Parenting  parenting victim bully bullying bullies someone
School Bullying Stopped: 5 Tips to Blast Hardcore Bullies!

School Bullying Stopped: 5 Tips to Blast Hardcore Bullies! by: Paula McCoach Hardcore bullies! Which staff members are best suited to deal with them during the school year? In my experience of coordinating the Bully Zapper Mentor Program for 7 y...

Kids And Teens  kids teens bullies bully hardcore
School Bullying Stopped: 5 Ways to Zap Bullies with the Facts!

School Bullying Stopped: 5 Ways to Zap Bullies with the Facts! by: Paula McCoach So, there is a bully that you just can’t catch! You have been trying for years and no luck! Well, I have learned with good documentation, anything is possible –...

Kids And Teens  kids teens bully bullies school
Are You Frustrated You Have Not Been Able to Stop the Bullies?

Are You Frustrated You Have Not Been Able to Stop the Bullies? by: Paula McCoach You are frustrated as a professional! You have given these bully victims all of your best techniques, and they are still being bullied. What should you do? You are ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens bully several
School Bullying Stopped: Don't Be Fooled by the Smoke Screen!

School Bullying Stopped: Don't Be Fooled by the Smoke Screen! by: Paula McCoach School bullies are manipulators. They are masters at confusing students as well as adults. But with these masters of manipulation, we must always look at the b...

Education  education bullies bully victim hardcore smoke
Tips For Parents On How To Deal With Bullying

For Parents On How To Deal With Bullying by: News Canada Often a serious problem for kids (NC)-Bullying behaviour may seem rather insignificant compared to the trouble that some kids can get into. In fact, it is often dismissed as just another p...

Parenting  parenting children school bully bullying they
School Bullying Stopped with the Cops

School Bullying Stopped with the Cops by: Paula McCoach Some of our hardcore bullies have Probation Officers. Our school administrators and counselors use these P.O.s to help us help the bullies. We get in touch with the Department of Juvenile ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens bullies bully school zapping zapper
Backpacks and Bullies. Is Your Child Prepared

Publishing Guidelines: You are welcome to publish this article in its entirety, electronically, or in print fre.e of charge, as long as you include you include the full byline, hyperlinks, references and Resource Box.E-mail or courtesy link apprecia...

Family  family child bullying school from
School Bullying Stopped with the Cops

Some of our hardcore bullies have Probation Officers. Our school administrators and counselors use these P.O.s to help us help the bullies. We get in touch with the Department of Juvenile Justice and communicate with them about the bully's beh...

Kids And Teens  kids teens bullies bully send help