175 articles on "businesses"

local Advertising On the Internet

local Advertising On the Internet by: David Bell If you're a small business exclusively serving a local market, you probably think the Internet has little to offer for your local advertising needs. While search engine advertising has been...

Marketing  marketing advertising local search businesses site
25 Valuable Phone Numbers For Small Businesses Success

25 Valuable Phone Numbers For Small Businesses Success by: BZ Riger-Hull Starting and growing a small business can be a daunting and sometimes lonely process we have compiled a list of 25 helpful phone numbers for agencies and services that work...

Women  women business smallbusinesses help--
Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out

Please read the following list and then decide what action is most important: a) Renew the Bush tax cuts in order to provide some certainty to households and small businesses in the country and make sure that disposable income is kept in the private...

Government  government businesses
Success is no accident.

Monday, March 21, 2005Success is no accident.See full color web version at:http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/pvt-104-success.htmlSuccess is no accident. Success leaves clues. You can createsuccess on purpose.Let's say you pick 100 people a...

Business And Finance  business finance businesses people success fail
5 Steps To Help Fail-Proof Your Growing Service Business

Business startup and failure rates are scary...In The USA...- Every Year Over 1 MillionPeople Start A Business- By The End Of The First Year 40%Of Them Will Be Out Of Business- Within 5 Years More Than 80%(800,000) Of These BusinessesWill Have Failed...

Marketing  marketing business donapost businesses
Focus On The Positive Side of Internet Business

Focus On The Positive Side of Internet Business by: Jack Humphrey A great series of articles showed up in this week's Time Magazine focusing, for a change, on happiness and its effects on us physically and mentally over time. Many studies a...

Online Business  online business people businesses success over
Small Business Q & A Starting Your Business By The Book

I've gotten several questions recently about the legalities of starting a business. So, this week I thought I would address a few of the more common legal issues most new businesses face. But first, let's get the mandatory legal disclaimer ...

Business And Finance  business finance name legal businesses
Breaking The Chains!

Breaking The Chains! by: Jason Gober Ways for Independent Businesses To Compete With Corporate America Everyday, customers and business owners are bombarded with billboards, logos, print and electronic ads from huge corporations. With annual ad ...

Marketing  marketing business independent businesses great
Accurate, Up-To-Date Business Leads and Data Provided by InfoUSA

Chasing up the wrong leads is an expensive waste of time for any business. To be competitive, having accurate, up-to-date information on target businesses is an essential investment. InfoUSA provides top shelf marketing information services, includin...

Business And Finance  business finance company infousa businesses
OCTOPUS MARKETING - Create a Community of Opportunity

Yesterday as I sat down to get a haircut, I noticed that for the first time that I was the only customer in the shop. My barber anxiously asked, "Are the stores empty where you work?" He told me that 40% of his business has eroded; half of his custom...

Marketing  marketing customers business octopus businesses small they