102 articles on "campaign"

Using a Marketing Calendar Template

Using a Marketing Calendar Template by: Nick Smith Owning a small business isn’t easy, especially if you are running it alone. Between moving products, taking orders, paying bills, and taking care of family, it is easy to lose track of everyth...

Marketing  marketing calendar target campaign
Make More Money with Marketing Metrics

Make More Money with Marketing Metrics by: Jeremy Cohen Do you measure the results of your marketing tactcis? You should. Knowing which marketing endeavors pay dividends will save you time, money and effort by allowing you to focus your marketin...

Marketing  marketing campaign results will
Pros & Cons for PPC Advertising

Pay Per Click has relatively emerged as a popular marketing tool over the years in the internet marketing industry. It involves paying each time a user clicks on your link. It is an internet advertising method where advertisers bid on specific keywo...

Site Promotion  site promotion campaigns advertisers search keyword method
PPC Provides Improved ROI and Quick Results

The results that PPC provides are many. It is because of this reason that enterprises love hiring the service. There are many reasons which make PPC very valuable to the business that it becomes a part of. The potential that PPC Advertising has and t...

Site Promotion  site promotion results campaign business user provides
Get More Links With a Viral Marketing Campaign

Get More Links With a Viral Marketing Campaign by: Syd Johnson Viral Marketing So you want to setup a viral marketing campaign, but where do you start? A viral marketing campaign is simply a strategy that you can use to get people who like your ...

Online Business  online business campaign marketing products viral list
mplementing A Successful PR Campaign PR Does Not Stand For Press Release!

There’s no denying that the Internet is allowing more and more entrepreneurs to start their own businesses and effectively market their new products. However, there seems to be an increasingly common misconception when these businesses try to gener...

Marketing  marketing media release press pitch campaign kite
Google AdWords Strategy - Part 3: Other Google AdWords Strategies

With permission from the Google AdWords Guide: Novice to Expert to Superhuman - www.AdwordsCampaign.net Most AdWords campaigns are managed poorly, through either lack of knowledge or an aversion to tedious work. This makes it possible for you to get...

Site Promotion  site promotion google adwords search network campaign
I Can't Afford A PR/Publicity Campaign Can I?

I Can't Afford A PR/Publicity Campaign Can I? by: Todd Brabender - Spread The News PR It’s a phrase I hear over and over again from many entrepreneurs, small businesses owners and inventors: “I’d love to hire someone to launch our pu...

Business And Finance  business finance campaign media professional cost
Good SEO Services from Best SEO Consultants India

When a service becomes popular, entrepreneurial opportunists do not waste time in declaring themselves a service provider in that domain and setting up base. They recruit people who can do the job for them, bring in projects and help them make money....

Computers And Internet  computers internet india campaign done
Winning Tactics For An Effective Direct Marketing Strategy

Direct mail marketing or also called as mailing services is not an effective tool for every industry and every product or service. Nevertheless, it can be very effective tool if done correctly. The universal agreement when it comes to this tool is ...

Marketing  marketing direct effective tool mail campaign