122 articles on "cleaning"

Canine Health Discoveries Such As 1 And Procedures For Cleaning Dog Teeth start From Independant Organizations

A vast majority of products created to improve the physical health and well-being of our pet dogs are designed by independent organizations. Remarkably useful items intended to benefit a dog's health remain the domain of these dog loving organiz...

Pets And Animals  pets animals health owners products teeth items cleaning
Essential Natural Cleaning Tools I Would Never Do Without

1. The multi-purpose spray. This is made from water and white vinegar in about 50:50 proportions, plus about 10 or more drops of tea tree essential oil. This spray gets used all the time for all sorts of home cleaning jobs. I use it for cleaning kitc...

Family  family cleaning soap soft cloths water
Is Modern Life Hurting Your Health?

Is Modern Life Hurting Your Health? by: Rick Mills How often have you said to yourself, "I wish things would slow down"? "I wish life was simpler!" Modern life can be taxing. Today we live faster, work more, and have less free time than ever bef...

Health  health water chemical cleaning home
Best Tips for Your Carpet Cleaning

Tips always help getting something at an easy pace and definitely correctly too. When it comes to carpet cleaning, you need some effective tips that will allow you protect your carpet and remove stains, dust and other dirt otherwise which make you ir...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpet cleaning clean tips well
Goodbye To The Year That Was, Welcome Aboard 2011!

I still mused and quite reminisced the past year that was in 2010. I wonder what's gonna hold for the Year of the Rabbit2011. Apparently, with all the glorious and festive mood in celebrating New Year's Eve Countdown at Times Square, I sti...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation year time right room cleaning
Caution - Do You Know the Dangers That Could Be Coming Out of Your Carpet Steam Cleaner

There are some very scary things going on right beneath our noses. Toxic chemicals have slowly infiltrated our houses without us even noticing. Some of the worst chemicals are the ones we pour in to our carpet steam cleaner. When cleaning a carpet we...

Home Improvement  home improvement cleaning carpet chemicals perc naphthaleneout even
Take Your Printer On Vacation

A person wrote to me and expressed concerns about leaving his inkjetprinter unattended for 3 months. While it may not be a problem he wascorrectly concerned about what he might come back to. A clogged printhead. Which could result in a costly repair...

Computers And Internet  computers internet cartridges printer print cleaning heads they
Cleaning Houses for a Living Has Some Unexpected Benefits

If you're looking for a way to earn a living or just to make some extra money on the side, cleaning houses for a living is probably not the first thing that comes to mind.Cleaning houses? Doesn't that sound like a lot of unpleasant, grungy ...

Business And Finance  business finance work houses cleaning
Is Modern Life Hurting Your Health?

Is Modern Life Hurting Your Health? by: Rick Mills How often have you said to yourself, "I wish things would slow down"? "I wish life was simpler!" Modern life can be taxing. Today we live faster, work more, and have less free time than ever bef...

Health  health water chemical cleaning home
3 Approved Steps to build an office cleaning business plan

Before starting an office cleaning business, it is crucial to have a sound business plan from the very beginning of your business endeavor. A good rule of thumb is: If you can plan for your business startup ahead of time, by all means do so. Here are...

Business And Finance  business finance cleaning plan office available