45 articles on "contest"

Increase Traffic by Programming a Contest!

Visitors come to your site and don't buy on their first visit.It often takes 6-7 visits before they buy. So, how do you gettheir business if they don't come back? For that matter, how doyou get them to come back? One answer is to run a cont...

Marketing  marketing contest referrals would
The Hidden Technique to Blast Your Subscriber Numbers Through the Roof

The Hidden Technique to Blast Your Subscriber Numbers Through the Roof by: Eugenia Bivines Hosting a contest is often an underutilized but effective method of attracting more subscribers to your list. A contest puts leverage to work for you bec...

Marketing  marketing contest prizes prize people mailing
Run Profitable Contests Using Autoresponders

Run Profitable Contests Using Autoresponders by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-RussRunning a contest for your e-zine subscribers or web site visitors is one way you can generate interest and give more exposure for products or services you want to promo...

Online Business  online business contest confirmation participants receipt products
You're Published! Now How Do You Tell The Readers

The first thing you must do is quit thinking like a writer andstart thinking like a reader. That shouldn't be a problem,because you are one. If you don't enjoy reading, you can't writesomething that someone else enjoys reading. So, whe...

Writing  writing book donapost contests publisher author
Songwriting Contest

With the advent of modern technology and ever increasing web traffic, more opportunities have surfaced for persons interested to enter the sphere of music. Online songwriting contests are known to provide best platforms for the amateur songwriters as...

Music And Entertainment  music entertainment songs contest songwriting short listed
Hurry Up And Procrastinate

Hurry Up And Procrastinate by: David Leonhardt I've been meaning to write this column, but I keep putting it off. There always seems to be something better or more important or easier to write about. Everybody is rushing to enter the conte...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation procrastinator minute contest
Understanding Disputing a Will

When would a will be considered fraudulent? One scenario is when the beneficiaries suspect there was some kind of manipulation or fraud by a third person. But who can contest a Will when there are suspicions of fraud? So what is the difference betwe...

Legal  legal brother contest husband about
Why Would I Want to Contest a Will?

The death of a family member or loved one often causes emotions of grief, pain and shock, but sometimes, when the Will is read, these feelings can get worse, especially if you weren't expecting the outcome. If you suspect the Will is not right,...

Legal  legal contesting process these
9 Wild Ways To Promote Your Business

9 Wild Ways To Promote Your Business by: David Bell A business, more often than not, has a very limited budget when it comes to advertising. The business owner needs to make the public aware of his or her product or service at the lowest possibl...

Marketing  marketing offer business community contest service people media
Tips To Get Selected In A Songwriting Contest

Songwriting contests offer the biggest platform for aspiring songwriters to transform themselves from amateurs to professionals in the world of music. The songwriters achieve popularity, exposure and many music brands approach such artists asking the...

Music And Entertainment  music entertainment song songwriting write contest which