222 articles on "cook"

Brief General Convection Oven Article

What is convection cooking? A fan rapidly circulates hot air, which forces heat into food faster than normal oven cooking. This results in 25% to 30% faster cooking times. Food loses less moisture and cooks more evenly when done in a convection oven....

Food And Drink  food drink oven convection cooking time counter electricity
Solar Ovens - Save More Than Money

Sun cooking with solar ovenS/cookers is an energy-saving, energy efficient, pollution-free way to do your share in reducing the effects of "global warming" and "climate change" taking advantage of the creations greatest source of in-exhaustible energ...

Environment  environment ovens energy solar cooking emissions oven
The History of Thai Food

The History of Thai Food by: Andrew Hall Thai food is famous all over the world. Whether chilli-hot or comparatively bland, harmony and contrast are the guiding principles behind each dish. Thai cuisine is essentially a marriage of centuries-old...

Food And Drink  food drink thai cooking spices herbs dishes influences
Is Your Recipe Safe?

Is Your Recipe Safe? by: News Canada (NC)—Sure, it tastes great and earns rave reviews from everyone sitting at the dinner table. But is your favourite recipe also a safe one? To prevent serving up foodborne illness at the dinner table, follow...

Food And Drink  food drink meat cooking poultry safety maple safe fish
Harvesting Your Sweetest Dreams this Spring.

"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal."~ Pamela Vaull StarrThe days are getting longer now and the sun sits higher in the sky. The sugar maples stretch after a long cold winter. Soon their sweet ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation maple dreams boiling syrup dream cooking
Best Recipes: Chicken with Apples

Best Recipes: Chicken with Apples by: Petrosyan Ingredients 1½ cups quick-cooking rice 2 large onions, thinly sliced 250g snow peas, trimmed 1 large red cooking apple, cored and coarsely chopped, not peeled 2 tbsp curry powder 1 tb...

Food And Drink  food drink tbsp cook stirring minutes frac rice large
Texas Pecan Treats

s Pecan Treats by: Phyllis Staff Come August, there is nowhere I'd rather NOT be than in Texas. Steamy, sultry, and hot, living in Texas in August is like trying to breathe in a tightly-covered pressure cooker. But in November, I remember t...

Food And Drink  food drink cookies pecans texas pecan sugar shell frac
French Potato Pancakes Recipe

Yield: 4 servings 1 1/2 c Frzn hashbrown potatoes -savory leaves -partially thawed or 1 1/2 1 ct 8 oz (1 c) frozen fat free -c grated potatoes -egg product thawed (or 1 c Finely diced cooked turkey 2 eggs 1/2 c Sliced green onion 2 tb Coarsely chopp...

Food And Drink  food drink serving heat medium olive cooked skillet
A Chicken Recipe for Every Occasion

A Chicken Recipe for Every Occasion by: Donna Monday It taste just like chicken. That line’s become a part of our culture to describe meat dishes that aren’t made with chicken, but none the less, taste almost exactly like our favorite poultr...

Food And Drink  food drink chicken recipes meat cook taste fried
Valentines Gifts from the Heart

Word Count: 461Copyright 2004 Nine Twenty PressURL: One of my fondest childhood memories is of my mother helping me make a Valentine's box to take to school. We pulled out white paste, an old shoebox, scraps of doilies, and construction paper. T...

Family  family cookie sugar mold cookies