67 articles on "copyright"

Cyberlaw 101

You've already discovered that the Internet is a greatmedium for promoting your business. But just as youcan use the Net's various components like the web,email, chat and newsgroups to network, to make newcontacts and to generate leads, you...

Legal  legal copyright content domain
7 Online Copyright Myths

7 Online Copyright Myths by: Judith Kallos Possunt quia posse videntur. (Latin: They can because they think they can.) One of the most misunderstood issues online has to do with copyright. Both with e-mail and Web site copyright issues. For some...

Online Business  online business copyright they
Website Theft - Part 1 of 3 ~ What exactly is Copyright?

Website Theft - Part 1 of 3 ~ What exactly is Copyright? by: Janice Byer, CCVA, MVA (Please note that some of the information included in this article has been quoted from various locations while other information is simply my personal opinion a...

Web Development  development copyright definition some
Digital Rights Management

As the internet progresses in both popularity and structure, DRM is going to become very important in moving away from the early free-for-all towards a more paid-for model. However, there is an argument over the degree of restriction of freedom that ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet copyright content software people music
Web Legalities Copyright

Important: This article contains opinions and information about copyrightlaw. Keep in mind that I am not a lawyer and have not been a lawyer in anypast life that I am aware of. If you have specific questions about copyrightlaw you should contact the ...

Writing  writing copyright permission about
The Musician's Guide On How To Copyright Music

Music is copyrighted as soon as you present it in a fixed form. It doesn't matter whether that fixed form is written sheet music or a recording. Most people who copyright music do so for the extra legal protection. Even though a copyright is goo...

Music And Entertainment  music entertainment copyright ever

When we are dealing with business on the internet, there is only one thing worse than a spammer….A COPYCAT!What is a Copycat? Someone who goes to your web site, hits the select all button, and COPY. Then they paste it in their own web site, changes...

Business And Finance  business finance works copyright work copycat they
How to Prevent Theft of Your Ebooks - Part 1 Ebook Copyright

While the majority of web users are honest people, you must accept that some people WILL try their best to steal your products.For this reason, it's important that you take some measures to ensure that your product isn't being illegally cop...

Writing  writing copyright work book copy
Is Your Intellectual Property Protected

THE NOODLE-HEADThe other day I had quite a shock. A student who was taking one of my Internet courses e-mailed me to tell me that it was so beneficial “I emailed copies to all my friends and family.” Thereby circumventing my $29.99 per course, an...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation copyright find
Outdated Copyright Date & Information = Outdated Sales & Customers!

Try this test. Go to your favorite’s list and check the copyright dates at the bottom of each site. Are they current? You might be surprised to find a good number aren’t.If a company or marketer can’t even take the time to update their own site...

Marketing  marketing copyright date time sites