481 articles on "cost"

Connecticut Cracks Down on Illegal Health Insurance Plans

The state of Connecticut cracked down on a number of unlicensed health insurance plans and agents this month. The Insurance Department issued warnings to consumers to check the licensing of any firm before doing business. The targeted illegal heath p...

Business And Finance  business finance health plans insurance plan coverage states cost
Your Stock Support Budget

Your Stock Support BudgetBy William CatePublished November 1999[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]It costs money to create share buying. Every public com...

Business And Finance  business finance share price stock company dollar public costs
Do You Need to Hire Professional Movers?

Moving is a hassle, but it's something that has to be done from time to time. What has to be decided is whether to put forth the energy and effort to pack everything up, put it on a truck or trailer, haul it to wherever we're going to be mo...

Family  family moving cost company doing
Taxis Are The Smart Way To Get Around

You might normally think of taxis as your last option when you are trying to get around. Most people prefer to move around in their cars. They think that it is more convenient and cost effective than hiring a taxi, but this isn't always the case...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure costs think
Is Your Business Idea Feasible

Is Your Business Idea Feasible?By Darrin F. Coe, MA10/26/04So you have a love for business, have a talent or skill you’re passionate about, and believe you’ve come up with a great business idea? Before you push forward you should consider doing a...

Business And Finance  business finance study idea feasibility time costs
Raising Money

Raising MoneyIt isn't cheap. It isn't easy. The winners in the rush for risk capital are the CFOs (Chief Financial Officers) who understand how to play the money game.Private companies seek risk capital from American Venture Capital Firms (...

Business And Finance  business finance company capital risk public cost odds about
How Can A Wind Turbine Help You Save Money?

You really need to be contemplating purchasing some plans if you are thinking about building yourself a do-it-yourself wind generator. Sales of the plans are absolutely flying off the shelves like crazy at the moment. People like yourself, are gettin...

Environment  environmentself cost generator wind
I Can't Afford A PR/Publicity Campaign Can I?

I Can't Afford A PR/Publicity Campaign Can I? by: Todd Brabender - Spread The News PR It’s a phrase I hear over and over again from many entrepreneurs, small businesses owners and inventors: “I’d love to hire someone to launch our pu...

Business And Finance  business finance campaign media professional cost

MIRROR WEB SITESPart of every online success involves the use of mirror websites. A mirror website is one that you create that compliments your main site. Make sure that the mirror site includes some element of your main website, for example if you ...

Marketing  marketing mirror cost
Ten Ways To Profit In An Uncertain Economy

1. Sell more back end products to your existingcustomer base. You already created rapport, trustand proved your credibility to them.2. Make it a practice to up sell to new and existingcustomers. After they decide to buy one product,offer them another...

Business And Finance  business finance costs cost businesses product