88 articles on "daily"

The Benefits of Iodine

The Benefits of Iodine by: Charlene J. Nuble Initially discovered as a new element in 1811 by Barnard Courtois, knowledge of this substance has come to include the host of benefits it brings to the body as an essential nutrient. For many years, ...

Health  health iodine micrograms deficiency daily from
The Importance of taking a Calcium Supplement

The Importance of taking a Calcium Supplement by: Ryan Cote' Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and also an important supplement to take. Calcium is needed to form bones and teeth and is also required for blood clotting,...

Health  health calcium supplement coral itaposs daily
Why Knowing Your Recommended Daily Calorie Intake Is So Important.

Why is it important to know one's recommended daily calorie intake? Knowing your total calorie gives you two important benefits. First, it tells you how many calories you must have daily to maintain your present weight. Second, if you know your ...

Health  health daily calories calorie recommended intake
How To Choose Potassium Rich Foods

Potassium, Sodium and Chloride belong to the electrolyte family of minerals. These work closely to maintain cellular health and activity. More than 95% of Potassium in the body is stored within the cells, while sodium and chloride are stored outside ...

Health  health potassium rich source vitamin diet daily
Potassium And Health

Potassium And Health by: Samuel Murray Potassium is a mineral that serves a variety of purposes within the body. Despite its importance to so many of the body’s functions and systems, most people do not consume the standard recommended daily l...

Health  health potassium important levels daily standard
Caring For My New Guinea Pig

Caring For My New Guinea Pig by: Greg Beverly Guinea pigs are very lovable animals. They are very affectionate and have their own personalities, which will become very evident within days after you bring them home. They love to snuggle and cuddl...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure guinea care daily them
Is Zone Diet a Fad?

Is Zone Diet a Fad? by: Iulia Pascanu Health Castle offers "Ten signs of a fad diet": 1. It promises massive weight loss (1 - 2 lbs per week) Dr. Barry Sears is careful when he declares a standard weight loss on Zone diet. He considers that anyt...

Health  health zone diet sears says daily food
Daily Meditation - Spiritual Support for Today's World

In days of old, spiritual life was separate from "regular life". People went to church or temple once a week, and then got on with the rest of their lives. Daily meditation was something that only nuns, priests, rabbis or monks did. In today's ...

Religion  religion daily meditation spiritual sacred life
Web Blogs Defined, Explained and Understood

What are Blogs? Having heard the term previously but not having paid much attention most are just to afraid to show their ignorance and ask the question, what is a blog? Lets face it; the term blog does not conjure pleasant images. Blogs are web logs...

Web Development  development blog blogs content blogging daily business
The Curse Reversed

Curse Reversed by: Karen Denning Oh, that awful parental curse! At one time or another in a moment of desperation nearly every parent has spewed these venomous words upon their offspring: "I HOPE YOU HAVE ONE JUST LIKE YOU WHEN YOU GROW UP!" I&...

Parenting  parenting years curse daily when