111 articles on "database"

Microsoft Retail Management System and Crystal Reports

Microsoft Retail Management System and Crystal Reports by: Divine Rigor Microsoft Retail Management System (MS RMS), formerly known as QuickSell 2000, is an integrated retail management software designed to help small and medium-sized retailers ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet database stores report crystal data create
Microsoft CRM Development

Microsoft CRM Development by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft CRM is CRM answer from Microsoft Business Solutions. The whole conception behind CRM seems to be different. In case of traditional CRM software (Siebel, Oracle) - the application was design...

Computers And Internet  computers internet exchange database create server
What Stands Behind The Software Description?

What Stands Behind The Software Description? by: Daria Winkler With thousands of web pages added to the Net every day, it's getting more and more frustrating both to submit the information to the attention of those, who are interested in i...

Computers And Internet  computers internet software database customers esvon support from
How To Set Up a WordPress Blog

Here's how you set up your WordPress Blog on your URL (domain). The first thing you need to do is to make sure you have a hosting account created. Your hosting account must include: - PHP 4.3 (or higher) - MySQL 4.0 (or higher) - Modrewrite A...

Web Development  development hosting wordpress blog database create
Charonware, s. r. o. releases CASE Studio 2 new version 2.18

New version of CASE Studio 2 fully supports PostreSQL 8.0, Sybase Anywhere 9.0 and MySQL 4.0 (4.1.7) databases.CHARONWARE, s. r. o., a software company specializing in developing database modeling tools, has released a new version of its flagship pro...

Computers And Internet  computers internet version studio case database charonware vaclav frolik
The Resubmission Myth

The Resubmission Myth by: Bobby Heard So the thinking goes, the more times you resubmit your site to the search engines, the better chance that you have of getting to the top for your keywords. I can’t tell you how much it aggravates me when I...

Site Promotion  site promotion search database engines
Email Appending Erodes Privacy!

"Psssst! Hey buddy, check dis out over heeya. If ya give me yerdatabase of customas' offline info, I'll give you email addresses tomatch! Waddaya say pal? $2 per name, awright?" That's how it might godown in a dark alley in privacy adv...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email appending privacy database
Contact Management

Contact Management by: Julie Chance Gain Control of Your Marketing Efforts and Assure a Steady Flow of Clients When it comes to marketing, do you ever feel like you are at the mercy of the tides – following up on a referral here, chasing a lea...

Marketing  marketing database contact names
Microsoft CRM – Typical Customizations

Microsoft CRM – Typical Customizations by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft CRM was designed to be easily customizable. Microsoft CRM Software Development Kit (MS CRM SDK) which you can download from Microsoft website contains descriptions of the obje...

Computers And Internet  computers internet database microsoft
Microsoft CRM Implementation & Remote Support – overview for V.P. IT

Microsoft CRM Implementation & Remote Support – overview for V.P. IT by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft CRM is now on the scene and it is increasing its market share, due to the Microsoft Business Solutions muscles and marketing strategy. It is tigh...

Computers And Internet  computers internet database integration exchange