163 articles on "dating"

Dating for Parents - Knowing the Right Guy

Are you looking for a man at a dating for parents site that can accept you? What qualities are you looking for? What qualities SHOULD you be looking for? Now that you are confident enough to go into Single Parents Dating, it is now time to talk about...

Relationships  relationships dating parents single
Little Known Dating Tips, Secrets and Dating Mistakes…

Little Known Dating Tips, Secrets and Dating Mistakes… by: John Alanis I hear it over and over—“It was going so great, and then she disappeared on me… why? What happened—we were having such a great time together. I’m tired of this ha...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation sexy dating women tips
Midlife Dating What are the Rules

When you get ready to dip your toe into the dating waters after having been married for a while, you may be wondering what the rules are.While some people say “there are no rules” in the game of life, I think it’s the opposite. There are always...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation rules women dating time
What to Expect When You Are Dating Online

by Kyoopid.comWhen it comes to online dating, it's a lie when someone claims, "I have no expectations." Deep down, we know we all expect something. Friendship, love, passion, intimacy, you name it. We think of the most creative headline and star...

Women  women looks online dating like
Online Dating Tips

Meeting people can be fun. It’s great to broaden one's horizons and embrace others around us in helping to achieve a more fulfilling existence. Online dating has given us this capability from the comfort of our own armchairs, but just because ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation dating common remember
Essential Dating Advice For Men

There are tons of resources that provide dating advice for men. You've probably read quite a few articles yourself. Dating advice is needed when your dating experience isn't all that you wish it could be. Obviously, if you're not happy...

Men  dating women itaposs
How To Safely Date Men Using Online Personal Ads and Dating Services

Online dating sites have become incredibly popular. The recent statistic reported was that one in every 5 current relationship began online. But is online dating safe? Can it be made safer with the right precautions? I think the answer is yes. Onli...

Relationships  relationships online sites dating investigation even
Is it a Smart Move to Consolidate Your College Loans?

Paying back student loans right out of college can be tough. This is all the more the case in this economic environment. The question for many recent graduates is should they go ahead and consolidate their student loans, to wit, is it is a smart move...

Education  education loans consolidating loan
FInding a Safe Dating Site

FInding a Safe Dating Site by: Leif Croonquist Seems like everywhere we surf on the Internet nowadays we run across this little advertisement: 'Free online personals'. They are everywhere, they are dating sites, and more are opening up...

Computers And Internet  computers internet dating sites
Scared Of Dating Women That Are "Out Of Your League?"

A few years ago, when I still believed in dating, I went on date with a woman I'd managed to create initial attraction with. I didn't recognize the signals at the time, but I'd been acting in a naughty/funny way around her and she was ...

Men  dating results terms other