3,520 articles on "develop"

Introduction To Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of web pages written in markup languages such as HTML and XML. It provides web developers with a way to control the appearance and layout of web pages, making the...

Web Development  development style sheets file sheet code cascading
A Powerful Styling Language

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a powerful styling language that is used to enhance the appearance of websites. It allows designers and developers to control the layout, design, and formatting of web pages, resulting in beautiful and functional si...

Web Development  development language xslt design experts style according
How To Develop Software For Your Business

Software development has become an essential factor of modern businesses. From small startups to established corporations, software can help automate tasks, streamline processes, and improve customer experiences. Developing software for your business...

Business And Finance  business finance software project developer every
Web Site Monitoring Is A Global Necessity

Web Site Monitoring Is A Global Necessity by: David Leonhardt Bill Huang sits down at his computer. As he connects to the Internet, he glances out at the sun poking its nose above the Hong Kong skyline. It will be another busy day, and he has to...

Web Development  development monitoring connections slow
Tales from the Corporate Frontlines Providing Career Opportunity

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences and feelings - but I will try my best to provide an informative article about tales from the corporate frontlines providing career opportunity. The corporate world can be a ruthless environm...

Business And Finance  business finance career development employees opportunity company advancement companies
About Doorway Pages

Doorway pages are web pages that are specifically created to rank highly for a specific keyword or phrase in search engine results pages (SERPs). These pages are designed to attract search engine users to a website by targeting specific keywords and ...

Web Development  development doorway pages keyword search keywords engine
Learning ASP Series Your First ASP Page

ASP pages (Active Server Pages page sounds a bit melodramatic butits easier to refer to them like this) are nothing but web pages.The difference is that they have an extension.ASP and you writethe code in a Server Side Scripting language.Do we know w...

Web Development  development server script pages scripting java when
What Are Your Job Prospects With MSP?

I have never yet encountered a student of Managing Successful Programmes who was on the course for fun. Everybody who trains in MSP wants a programme management career, and pretty much everybody who takes the MSP examinations is determined enough to ...

Education  education programme management everybody managers implementing strategies visions developed
The Proper Way To Use The robot.txt File

The Proper Way To Use The robot.txt File by: Jimmy Whisenhunt When optimizing your web site most webmasters don’t consider using the robot.txt file. This is a very important file for your site. It let the spiders and crawlers know what they ca...

Web Development  development index agent disallow spiders file above
ExactSeek Explained Part 1

If you're looking for a search engine that's more focused on quality content, then ExactSeek might just be the perfect tool for you. It's a lesser-known search engine that has built up a dedicated user base over the years thanks to its focus on relev...

Web Development  development exactseek webmasters search listing listings