55 articles on "dial"

The Sundial - Garden Ornament or Exotic Timepiece

Most of us regard a sundial as an attractive ornament fora park or garden. Their effectiveness as time keepers ishighly variableThat's unfortunate, because it is not at all difficult to ensure that your garden sundial will be an accurate timepie...

Home Improvement  home improvement time sundial noon degrees dial sundials
Writing Narrative vs Writing Dialogue

Writing Narrative vs Writing DialogueCopyright 2001, Michael LaRoccahttp://freereads.tripod.comOne of the nice things about being an author is that we can break any rule we want. (I just did.) It’s part of our job description. Language changes thro...

Writing  writing dialogue narrative just
Getting Tough On E. Coli Can Help Prevent Kidney Failure

ing Tough On E. Coli Can Help Prevent Kidney Failure by: News Canada (NC)-Despite the fact that Canada's food supply is among the safest in the world, sometimes the food we eat can make us sick. Foodborne illness, of which there are more t...

Health  health foods food coli dialysis kidney
PC to Phone VoIP over Dial-Up

So you've heard that you can use your computer to make cheap long-distance calls over the Internet. Maybe you've even tried it. Chances are though that if you've attempted VoIP calls over a dial-up connection, you've experienced i...

Computers And Internet  computers internet voip dial voice calls
Invicta Watches: Standout Styles for Worldly Women

The Invicta watch company has made a distinguished name for itself among those who appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of fine timepieces. Bold, feminine and exceptionally high quality, Invicta offers standout styles for worldly women. Sound like...

Women  women tone watch dial stainless swiss steel
When Dialogue is Not Dialogue

Writing dialogue for a story can be a real challenge. The problem arises from the simple fact that dialogue in your written masterpiece is not accurate reflection of the dialogue that actually takes place between people in the real world. Communicat...

Writing  writing dialogue voice thing conversation
6 Ways to Better Dialogue

This article may be freely used provided an active link is included to http://www.heislerink.com/writeaway.asp and provided that the resource boxand all article content remain unaltered. Notification is appreciated,but not required. Notify author at ...

Writing  writing dialogue john tags
Writing Stories

There's nothing like writing a story. It is a truly satisfying creative process. In order to write a story that people will enjoy. You need to understand the key elements that all good writers use in stories. In this article we will explore thes...

Writing  writing characters character story main dialogue person

Absolutely dirt cheap Dial up ISP service with nothing more to pay, just $14.95 per month unlimited internet access with Veruini dial-up. Reliable ISP that doesn’t break the bank and the option to order our DIAL UP ACCELERATOR THAT LOADS UP WEB PAG...

Computers And Internet  computers internet dial service access online unlimited customers
Cable vs DSL

Okay, so you are finally tired of those slow dial-up internet connections, and you want to go broadband. Good deal. But first, you may be wondering which type of broadband connection is best- DSL or Cable? Or, at least, which of the two gives you mo...

Computers And Internet  computers internet cable speed connection dial these