17 articles on "dialogue"

Voice in Narrative and Dialogue

One of the nice things about being an author is that we can break any rule we want. (I just did.) It's part of our job description. Language changes through usage definitions, spelling, grammar and authors can help it do this. But on the other...

Writing  writing dialogue narrative just
Writing Narrative vs Writing Dialogue

Writing Narrative vs Writing DialogueCopyright 2001, Michael LaRoccahttp://freereads.tripod.comOne of the nice things about being an author is that we can break any rule we want. (I just did.) It’s part of our job description. Language changes thro...

Writing  writing dialogue narrative just
When Dialogue is Not Dialogue

Writing dialogue for a story can be a real challenge. The problem arises from the simple fact that dialogue in your written masterpiece is not accurate reflection of the dialogue that actually takes place between people in the real world. Communicat...

Writing  writing dialogue voice thing conversation
6 Ways to Better Dialogue

This article may be freely used provided an active link is included to http://www.heislerink.com/writeaway.asp and provided that the resource boxand all article content remain unaltered. Notification is appreciated,but not required. Notify author at ...

Writing  writing dialogue john tags
Writing Stories

There's nothing like writing a story. It is a truly satisfying creative process. In order to write a story that people will enjoy. You need to understand the key elements that all good writers use in stories. In this article we will explore thes...

Writing  writing characters character story main dialogue person
The Inner Dialogue

Do you talk with yourself? When we hear people talking aloud with themselves we consider it weird. But have you noticed that all people, with no exception, talk silently with themselves? This, we do not consider odd or weird.If someone hurts you in s...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation inner dialogue mind positive
Dialogue Tags-A Study in Common Errors

DIALOGUE TAGSA study in Common Errors and Their Quick Fixes.Verb and SubjectIncorrect:"I bet you two had a fine time," said Ben. When using tags, it's unusual to have the verb before the subject. The general rule of thumb is to use this construc...

Writing  writing dialogue idea donapost