27 articles on "divide"

10 tips for creating wealth in the stock market

10 tips for creating wealth from the stock market:1. Do not spread your money too thin.My friend has a little over $200,000 invested in the stock market through 27 different Mutual funds. In my opinion, 27 Mutual funds is 27 too many collecting load...

Business And Finance  business finance stock company dividend into
Invest in the stock market for the RIGHT reason, using the RIGHT choices

Invest in the stock market for the RIGHT reason, using the RIGHT choices by: Charles M O'Melia Investing in the stock market is not purchasing a stock at 25 dollars a share, hoping it will go to 35 so you can sell it, then hoping it will dr...

Business And Finance  business finance right stock cash dividend market
But I Want it Now!

Do you have the desire in your heart to change professions or take a class or start a business? Is the point of stopping is that the divide is TOO significant for you, stop for a minute.My daughter Katherine is in 4th Grade at Mount Vernon Magnet Sch...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation algebra divide when
The POWER of a Proven Stock Investment Plan

The POWER of a Proven Stock Investment Plan by: Charles M. O'Melia When you invest in the stock market for ever-increasing cash dividend income, verses trying to make a buck in the stock market, your mindset will change. There will no longe...

Business And Finance  business finance stock dividend market year income
Investing in the Stock Market

Investing in the Stock Market by: Charles M. O'MeliaFrom the book 'The Stockopoly Plan' by the author Charles M. O'Melia There are several factors an investor in the stock market should consider: 1. All stock purchases should...

Business And Finance  business finance stock dividend market company year
How To Create Wealth In The Stock Market

How To Create Wealth In The Stock Market by: Charles M. O'Melia First and foremost, an opportunistic strategy for creating wealth in the stock market is needed. And the opportunistic strategy for creating wealth in the stock market must hav...

Business And Finance  business finance stock plan year market dividend
A Triple Dipper How to Make 3 Profits on 1 Stock Trade

This is a rather simple strategy with which I am sure a lot of seasoned traders are very familiar, possibly under some other name with which I am not familiar. I wanted to write about it because I don’t see anyone talking about it anymore. Since t...

Business And Finance  business finance stock dividend money