151 articles on "document"

Creating Your Internet Marketing Plan

Creating Your Internet Marketing Plan by: Megan Corwin For large corporations, a marketing plan is a huge document detailing strategies for the fiscal year. It may include competitor analysis or a sales forecast. While these elements are importa...

Online Business  online business plan marketing time strategies document
11 Tender Writing Sins ... Part One

Put simply, producing a winning tender is all about being able to sell your company face to face and on paper. It's about addressing the needs your prospect wants fulfilled, and proving how you fulfil those needs in the most result-oriented way....

Writing  writing tender document important them
Be the Master of Your Printer

Permission is granted for the below article to forward,reprint, distribute, use for ezine, newsletter, website,offer as free bonus or part of a product for sale as longas no changes are made and the byline, copyright, and theresource box below is inc...

Computers And Internet  computers internet printer print document printing select
Organize Your Office Or Work Space The Professional Way

Who wants to go to their office everyday only to be greeted with a hill of unfilled documents in one corner, folders and documents dispersed all over the work surface in layers inches deep, heaps of old disks pushed here-leaning stacks of reports the...

Home Improvement  home improvement office folders documents working
Illegally Obtained Evidence in Divorce Proceedings

What should you do if your marriage is on the rocks and you are certain that if there is a divorce your spouse will hide away his (or her) assets to frustrate your claim? Are you entitled to take and copy documents? Can you intercept his post? What a...

Legal  legal documents claim proceedings intercept take
Some Important Tips On Proposals And Price

Important Tips On Proposals And Price by: Kris Mills Here's a critically important copywriting technique I use when writing sales letters and proposals for our own direct marketing services and for our clients. It's all about "price". ...

Business And Finance  business finance price document makes
Successful Documentation Projects – Part 1 of 3 – ‘Understanding’

The creation of user documentation is a big component of any software project. Unfortunately, it’s often undervalued and left to the last minute. But that doesn’t mean it should be without a good management plan.This is the first in a series of t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet project documentation product user
Efficiency - one of the three Es of business communication

There are many different ways of delivering your business communication:direct mail;in-person sales calls;telephone;the annual report;above and below the line advertising;packaging; posters, andcompany stationery to name just a few.Each involves a fi...

Business And Finance  business finance costs documents
Computer Geeks and Garden Gnomes

First and foremost before I begin my ranting it is worth mentioning that there are many very helpful and considerate people out there in the cyber wilderness who devote much of their time to providing open source and free scripts of all variations fr...

Computers And Internet  computers internet scripts install documentation
Great Technical Writing: The Two-edged Sword Of Reader Experience

Overview When we write User Documents we rely on our Reader's/User's experience to simplify our work. This can cause problems for the Reader. This article will discuss the effects of Reader experience and how to minimize the negative effec...

Writing  writing user experience reader example document acronyms