112 articles on "doll"

Grab Your Share of Untold Amounts of Advertising Dollars

Title: Grab Your Share of Untold Amounts of Advertising Dollars Author: Kathleen Gage Email: kathleen@turningpointpresents.com Word Count: 851Copyright: © 2004 by Kathleen GageWeb Address: www.kathleengage.com Publishing Guidelines: You may publ...

Marketing  marketing advertising dollars money
Grab Your Share of Untold Amounts of Advertising Dollars

Grab Your Share of Untold Amounts of Advertising Dollars  by: Kathleen Gage If you advertise in any way, the following information could show you how to find and utilize untold advertising dollars you may not be aware of. In the mid 80’s I wa...

Marketing  marketing advertising dollars money
How To Tell If It's A Swell Motel

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of traveling in connection with my writing. The past three weekends alone I’ve driven to Sylva, North Carolina, Louisville, Kentucky, and Destin, Florida. Overall, I’m holding up reasonably well, except for the fac...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure motels dollars
Whatever Happened To Customer 'Service'

Do you remember the last time you went into a shop and the person 'serving' raced over to you, greeted you with a lovely smile, heaps of enthusiasm and said, "Welcome to our store, what can I help you with today?" And then listened attentiv...

Business And Finance  business finance time trade dollars store which
Response to a Proposal for Serfdom: Criticism of Obama

Response to a Proposal for Serfdom: Criticism of Barack Obama March 26, 2009 By Punkerslut The economic, buyout plan of the United States government is made with the thought that the New Deal of Roosevelt ended the depression; but the unemployment...

Government  government obama dollars will
Stock Support

Your Stock Support BudgetBy William CatePublished February 2000[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]It costs money to create share buying. Every public com...

Business And Finance  business finance share price stock company dollar costs public
The Revenge Of The Consumer

The Revenge Of The Consumer by: Max Hunter Making a Tidy Profit From the Credit Card Companies How many hundreds – even thousands – of dollars have you paid over the years to banks, credit card companies and other financial institutions in i...

Business And Finance  business finance credit dollars card companies
Forex trading can be like day-trading

Forex trading can be like day-tradingForex trading, or foreign currency trading, has become a bit of a craze of late, especially since it is something available to anyone who owns a computer. And anyone who is willing to put in some training time can...

Business And Finance  business finance forex trading currency market trader dollar
The Science Of Getting Rich

The Science Of Getting Rich by: Sharifah Hardie Hello, my name is Sharifah Hardie and I have just made it MY mission in life to help YOU change your life. Did you recognize my name? Dont know where you heard it? Most likely from one of my many w...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life dollars business articles many
Local Marketing For Small Businesses - Build Your Online Business by Helping Others Be Found Online

Marketing locally for small businesses is the best way to help others while building your own online business. I first did this in 2006 when a family member was having difficulty getting his handyman business up and running. I had just been online f...

Marketing  marketing business work dollars time