72 articles on "ebooks"

Ebooks are Promotional Powerhouses

Ebooks are Promotional Powerhouses by: Andrew Wroblewski Ebooks are part of the new frontier of cyberspace. They are an entirely new medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge. Each day the number of people...

Site Promotion  site promotion ebook ebooks over
Start your own Ebook Empire

Start your own Ebook EmpireIts not true that everything that has been said has already been written. Since that unfortunate axiom came into use, the whole universe has changed.Technology has changed, ideas have changed, and the mindsets of entire nat...

Marketing  marketing ebook people ebooks business
The Different Ebook Formats

Ebook reader software is needed in order to access ebooks and to make it possible for anyone to alter the content to match your choices. Ebooks are available in numerous formats (html, pdf, rtf, Palm OS, etc) and now there tend to be a lot of ebook r...

Online Business  online business ebook format ebooks reader books software file
Ebooks, what are they

Ebooks are just like any other book, without the paper. They help us in recycling. The more ebooks there are the fewer trees we cut down. It seems we continually here of how bad our environment is. This is one step to doing something about it. You do...

Writing  writing ebooks ebook space
How to Enhance Sales with Ebooks

How to Enhance Sales with Ebooks  by: Diana Barnum Are people interested in ebooks? And if so, what are the best ways to sell them? The following statistics reported by the Open eBook Forum, a non-profit organization for the electronic book pub...

Business And Finance  business finance ebooks ebook company
Here an Ebook, There an Ebook

Here an ebook, there an ebook, everywhere an ebook! If OldMcDonald had a computer it would be full of ebooks. My inbox iscrammed with offers to sell ebooks, publish ebooks, write ebooks,and get filthy rich selling ebooks on the internet. All that isr...

Writing  writing ebooks ebook free
Can You Find Success with a Self-Published eBook

IntroductionAs a full-time freelance writer, I spend alot of time trying new publishing ideas and learning how tomarket my services. Most of my work is web-centered, so I love thechallenge of innovation in content creation. I also love the factthat w...

Writing  writing ebook ebooks people
When it comes to pricing your ebooks.

Are you having a difficult time pricing your ebooks? Don’t feelbad, your not alone.Correctly pricing an ebook is like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are manyfactors that come into consideration when pricing your ebooks. Two such factors ...

Writing  writing ebooks pricing
The Changing Face Of Internet Marketing

THE CHANGING FACE OF INTERNET MARKETING…It’s true. If I were a negative person I would think that I’ve arrived too late…but perhaps I’ve arrived just in the nick of time.I have spent many months reading EVERYTHING I could find on internet m...

Marketing  marketing ebooks ebook there
A Profitable Idea for Writers

To say that I read a lot is perhaps one of the greatest understatements of all time. I read chronically, obsessively. Articles, books, magazines, newspapers, newslettersyou name it. Whenever I am alone, if I'm not actually writing something, I m...

Writing  writing ebook ebooks read