142 articles on "effective"

The Four Laws Of Leadership

The Four Laws Of Leadership by: Brent Filson Leadership is motivational or it's stumbling in the dark. After all, isn't it more effective to have people want to go from point A to point B instead of to be ordered to go from A to B? The...

Business And Finance  business finance motivation people leaders effective action motivate
Want More Sales Write A Barry Bonds Sales Letter

I'm not a baseball fan. Never have been. In fact, I hate the sport. However, I am a Barry Bonds fan. Here's why: Barry Bonds possesses the exact same intangibles every great sales letter possesses. He's loyal, consistent, powerful, and...

Marketing  marketing sales letter formula headline effective
Sample Law School Personal Statement: How to Show That You Can Be a Good Politician

Though politicians need not be lawyers and law students do not necessarily go into the government, a public official who happens to have a law degree and ample knowledge of the laws and rules of this country can be an ideal leader. However, it still ...

Education  education school personal leader logical statement effective
Targeted Resumes Equals Job Search Success

Over the course of my career as a Career Coach and Resume Writing Strategist, I have written in excess of 10,000 resumes for job seekers at all levels from entry level, management, and technical to senior level executives from fortune 100 companies. ...

Writing  writing resume management skills level effective
The Samsung Omnia 7 Provides A Wealth Of Great Features

Together with various other mobile phone models, the Samsung Omnia 7 has just been launched in order to highlight the new Microsoft Windows Phone 7 operating-system. This contemporary looking phone features the effective new operating-system along wi...

Gadgets And Gizmos  gadgets gizmos samsung omnia phone effective supplied
Ignite Your Web Site Traffic With FREE Publicity!

Do you know what the most important factor of a profit-generatingonline business is? It's WEB SITE TRAFFIC, which is accomplishedthrough marketing and promotion. Online sales depend on traffic.A great way to generate traffic is to create publici...

Marketing  marketing articles traffic effective publications submit
Writing for the Web. An seo copywriting primer.

Writing for the WebAn SEO copywriting primerWhat does search engine copywriting mean?SEO copywriting is a methodology employed to write effective content for a website. Search engines love properly formatted and unique content. This content should i...

Web Development  development effective content tags page
Self Development and Effective Communication Skills for Good Relationships

Let us all admit that there is no perfect relationship in this world. As we individuals are not perfect. Everyone has their own flaws and weaknesses. Amidst these issues, every person dreams to have a happy relationship. We always search on advices o...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation relationship love perfect effective make

Not surprisingly, those who did not experience the early, freewheeling days of the net frequently find it difficult to write effective ads for application on the web. The spontaneous sense of playfulness, the undeniable urge to hack, the use of geeki...

Marketing  marketing reason product effective message
Exceptional Leadership Inspires the Best Effort in Others

Exceptional Leadership Inspires the Best Effort in Others by: Michael Beck There is a steady stream being written and taught about leadership these days. There are tips about leadership, courses about leadership, books, retreats, and continuing ...

Business And Finance  business finance leadership people effective most