46 articles on "employers"


As travelers have been told to expect longer wait times at airports in exchange for their protection, job seekers should be prepared to wait longer for job offers for the same reason. According to the concept of negligent hiring, employers are liable...

Business And Finance  business finance employers behavior offers arent problems criminal wait
How To Pick The Best Career For You, Part 1 Positioning

Want to gain the upper hand in a career marketing campaign? Try using these marketing techniques of Positioning, Exposure and Marketing. In Part One we’ll look at how Positioning or “Coming to a Theater Near You” simplifies and expedites your e...

Business And Finance  business finance career marketing employers comingself will
Reducing the High Cost of Absenteeism

Employers pay a high price for absenteeism, often more than they may realize, in terms of both financial and production losses and employee morale. Managers may view the tasks of finding a substitute employee as a short-term inconvenience; however, ...

Business And Finance  business finance employers sick absenteeism employees work problem
What Employers Look For In A Freelance Writer

What Employers Look For In A Freelance Writer by: Amber McNaught Freelance writing is as much about selling yourself as it is about writing. With this in mind, we asked some of the employers who use our site, and others like it, just what it is ...

Writing  writing question employers them
“Future Plans” Job Interview Questions

“Future Plans” Job Interview Questions by: Scott Brown This week’s topic deals with interviewers asking about your future plans. As we’ll see in addressing the question a subscriber wrote in with, interviewers use the “future plans” ...

Business And Finance  business finance employers plans school want
Ageism In The Workforce

Ageism In The Workforce by: Paul Clutton FIRST there was sexism, then there was racism, now another ‘ism’ is poised to cause more headaches for South Wales employers – including how they word their job ads. The Government is currently aski...

Business And Finance  business finance employers people
Get Your Resume Noticed via Email

A resume sent through email is almost the same to its print version. Many people have a misconception about this and they wind up spending more time building their resumes instead of targeting more employers. The email and print version are the same ...

Education  education resume email print version employers
Online Resume Formats

There are several types of online resume formats that can be used when contacting potential employers. When you search for job openings online, some companies will have on their websites which online resume format is acceptable. If you don’t know w...

Business And Finance  business finance resume format online employers
What Does The Prospective Employer Want ? Get That Job !

How can you work towards getting that job or career you want and desire? When you go fishing you take worms. This is what the fish want. You may like strawberry pie. This is not what the fish like. In the same way ask what is that the employer you ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation work employers successful like
Job Interview Preparation - What Employers Are Looking For

Job Interview Preparation - What Employers Are Looking For by: chris hickman When an employer decides to conduct an interview with you, there are certain things that they are looking for from you. Naturally, you are likely to focus on these thin...

Business And Finance  business finance employers company ability interview work